In any given situation, I perceive more than I admit. I find that most people struggle with what they want to hide, and what they’re afraid to show. And these tend to be the most obvious.

Things like your need to be regarded as competent. And how you’ll fight me if I point it out, but your father was a hard man who was stingy with his approval, but you would rather idolize him, idealize him, than admit how unworthy he made you feel. How because you are incapable of giving love to yourself, no one will be able to love you enough, and you’ll always resent them for it and feel guilty because deep down you know what it is you really resent. It will be a one person shadowplay, until the day you open the door and accept.

I never got into these games like World of Warcraft or Second Life. Life already feels like I’m walking around a world of people who don’t realize they’re not avatars.

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