Magneticism. It’s next level shit. I am owning it and owning it and owning it well in Denver.

My mind fucking has reached sublimation. And it’s so good because I put all of myself into it.

I didn’t even have an idea how I ended up on this trip except Jodie said, “Do you want to go to Denver next week?” and I said sure. The company I was supposed to meet, Emulex, was flying me in for a conference, and I thought the name sounded like a childrens’ medication. Didn’t have time to look into it because it was busy and then I went to Tahiti. Was back for one day, had asked some passing people what Emulex did, and not knowing at all what I was going into, I figured I would figure it out when I got there.

I wanted to get in the night before because I wasn’t sure how bad the jet lag would be. My flight got delayed so I ended up getting in at 2am. Discovered they have a Mary Jane’s Pizza and they deliver until 4:20.

First day was an afternoon seminar then dinner, then drinks. Don’t know if it was the altitude compounding the full moon or what, but I was glowingly magnetic. I could feel people drawn, faces opening as if touched by light. I got into a deep conversation with one guy and he ended up telling me how in college a frat brother thought it would be funny to put an ad in the paper for a male escort service, and people actually called. And they ended up actually making some money. I had to know about his first client (a woman in her 60s and he had a hard time getting hard. It was awkward as he’ll and he kept picturing someone else just to get it done). His last time (he was sitting in the woman’s bed in his underwear and her husband came in with a shotgun. He cut his arm jumping out the window). That story was one of the best and most surprising conversations I’ve had with someone I’d just met in a long time. He says his wife kind of found out about it and doesn’t want to know and I think that’s amazing.

Day 2 is brutal having to get up 3am Tahiti time. We break up into round tables and who’s sitting across from me but this guy who’s a competitor. I’ve never met him before. Long story short, his biggest customer is now my biggest customer, and that customer is Dave.

So I see him and he sees me. His name tag is blaring at me as he scrunches up his face and gives me the evil eye. As only someone who now owns someone else’s favorite toy can, I smirked back. Made him real nervous. While other people introduced themselves and a little bit about their company, he just barked out his name and company real abruptly and just clamped up. There was an awkward silence, then the girl next to him said, “uh…where are you based out of?” when it was my turn to introduce, I looked at him and said, “I’m Julia S* from Amax…” then giving him my best I’m so close to fucking you I’ve got the taste of your skin on my tongue look…I say, snarkily, “That would be based in Fremont, which is located in Silicon Valley.

Later that night, I was in the hall talking to a rep when he walked up, made a cross at me like I was a vampire and hissed, then talked to the girl. I was smiling so hard on the inside and outside. I was finally getting the pleasure of meeting a dirty little man I had beaten. He was showing me in every way I owned him.

I wrangled some guys into playing basketball at a nearby gym. Remember how I always say you can tell a lot about a person by how they play basketball? I played with 3 guys and schooled them all. And I’m convinced what resulted was because of the experience–one guy promised me thousands in marketing funds, one guy asked me to come onto his business as a partner and when he found out I’m single, asked me if I would wait for his son. I asked him how old his son was and he said 16. I said the bigger question is how his son feels about arranged marriages.

The third who got the brunt of my jumpers in his face flatly
stated, “You should come work for me,” and was in great danger of chasing me out of the elevator at the end of the evening.

Lot of random synchronicities. Things I read coming up in different places. While I was in Tahiti, the only news I got from the states was a one xeroxed sheet of paper with all the news someone had deemed important. The first day of the seminar, I was small talking with the guy who sat next to me who had mentioned he had been at a hackers conference last week. I asked him if it was the show that gave a Pwnie to Sony for “Most Epic Fail” and he lit up and said he couldn’t believe I knew about that. And I told him about that one sheet of news, and for some reason, out of all the news coming out of the states, someone had deemed that important. And here we were, talking about it. And he’d been one of the voters.

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