I think the underlying reason when I assume an arrogant dismissive tone in regards to people I meet is because I appreciate experiences and meetings for what they are, but I feel guilty knowing they want to attach to me and I’m never gonna let them. They tell me meeting me is such a unique connection, they’ve never experienced it before. The guy who proposed to bring me in as a partner to run his company yesterday said in his whole life, he’s only met one person with his level of passion…me. I’m flattered, but am so aware of disparity.

To them, this connection feels so powerful and unique, it has to mean something. But to me, these connections happen fairly often and I’m no longer so naive to think they all mean something or try to make more out of it than there is. And that’s where I feel guilty. I know they are making more out of it than it is, and it makes me feel like an instrument of extreme inspiration followed by perpetual disappointment.

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