While in Denver, I was at dinner with this company and this guy was talking about his daughter and how he wants her to take her time, date and get to know what she wants. He doesn’t want her to just settle down, and I was telling him how based on his experience (he’s Taiwanese so he got married to a girl he dated in high school), he has a rich life because he has walked all of his life with the same person and they’ve built a history together, so they have a rich shared experience but what I find of this generation of Taiwanese parents is that the open-minded ones want their kids to have opportunities they didn’t, like exploring relationships first before settling down.

The guy was nodding saying, yes, that’s exactly it, and the guy next to me blurted out, “Boy you really do read body language!”

I didn’t ask him, but I was surprised and curious what he had observed of me in that conversation to say specifically that I was reading from the other guy’s body language. To me, I’m listening to the words and the echo between the words. But I’m also listening and watching everything. It made me curious what he had observed of my listening and response that correlated to my reading of body language.

My process is intuitive, but maybe to an outside observer who is watching me carefully, they can pick up my processes.

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