So I was sitting at home one day, thinking about how little I remember of junior high, which is probably one of the most traumatic rites of passages legally-enforced by American society. The suckitude of junior high in my mind kind of clumped together into one dark, murky disgusting blob with a smell and aftertaste best likened to Ass, when I remembered one thing that made me chuckle.

I had some class with this guy named Nate and we were always in a group together with another girl (Cara?). And Nate would always wear this t-shirt that said:

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And it would always crack me up and brighten up my day because…well…sneezing and farting at the same time–it’s just ANOTHER potential source of embarrassment that could ruin the life of a 12 year-old.

To this day, whenever I hear someone let out one of those whopping throat-tearing sneezes where it sounds like a lung was just shot through a nostril, I always think about this shirt. And then I laugh at the fact that I always automatically think about how hard that person’s buttcheeks must be clenched. I mean, everyone else thinks the same thing too when they hear someone sneeze, right?

Anyway, I got back in touch with Nate a few weeks ago through the wonder that is Friendster. He sent me this picture today, and it made me chuckle, just as it did so many years back. And considering I was having a shitty morning, it couldn’t have come at a better time.

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