
Check out this astrology trend for me that started on February 22nd, the DAY after I wrote that post about my dad and came back and realized that my life had just been given a new beginning:

Positive reforms

Valid during many months: This is a time of new awakening to a sense of what your life is about. Before this time you have been working to establish your sense of who you are in the community of adults, and by now you probably have a pretty clear idea about that. But you may also have discovered that what you are doing with your life is not entirely appropriate. You may conclude that in the past you were motivated by too narrow a conception of what you are, by a need for security, or simply by petty ego-drives. Now you will begin to see your life in terms of a larger perspective. You should do whatever is necessary to make sure that you can live according to this new understanding.

This influence does not arouse your sense of idealism particularly, but it does make you see that the universe is a very large place, and you are a much larger part of it than you have realized.
You may be attracted to rather mystical ideas, but they will have meaning only according to how they affect your everyday world. At this time you don’t need more abstractions to chase around ­ you need to make positive reforms in your life. And you will do so!

This influence will cause you to cut away your past and reorient your life in accordance with the larger vision you have now. The many changes that occur may seem somewhat scary, but they are ultimately for the best. You will find new freedom in a new consciousness.

Neptune Sextile Neptune
activity period from 22 February 2005 until middle of December 2006

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