My new coworker has a twin brother. He showed me a picture of the two of them standing side by side along with some family members and said, sarcastically, “I bet you can’t figure out who’s who.” So I’m looking at it and I’m really thinking, I have no idea which one is him and which one is his brother, since he has dreads now and in this picture, both of them are clean-shaven. So I’m about to laugh and say, “I have no idea” but he says, “It’s so obvious, isn’t it?” So I’m thinking, “Shit.” It’s obvious but obviously, I’m dumb.
I take a random guess and point at the taller one and say, “That’s you, right?”
He says, “Who?”
I say, “That one,” continuing to point at the tall one.
He says, “Who?”
And I continue pointing to the same person, but now I’m getting nervous.
Then, for some reason (luckily!), his angle must have been weird because he thought I was pointing to the girl in the photo. So he rips it out of my hand and says, “The girl? Very funny.”
I found out later, I was pointing at the wrong guy.