It’s a Beautiful Day

I’ve just spent the last half hour laughing until I had tears rolling down my face.

Michael now has a blog.

I’m extremely protective of him so I’m not quite ready to reveal his address yet, but it’s awesome.

A hint about its title though…

Michael has always liked to follow in my footsteps. I played softball growing up. He aspired to play softball. I played a video game signed in as Julia the Shit. He signed in as Michael the Jerk.
Well, yesterday, I was setting up his blog for him and I asked him what he wanted to name it. He knew that mine is called Car Alarms Are Really Sensitive, so let’s just say that car alarms are really sensitive because cars are really delicate.

Here’s my favorite post of his so far:

Working at a Car Wash place and places I work at

If I ever got offered a job at “Prowash” I would take it. I love to help out to do the codes. And I have done them in the past before I hurt my hand. I can even help to tell every driver what to do. I always wanted a job like that. I would like to work Part-Time. I am currently working at a big firm office called “Mckinsey and Company ” every Tuesdays and Thursdays and stock sodas, juices,waters, upstairs and downstairs. And I do filing and copying. I also work at “The New Orient Restaurant” every Saturday of each week. I work at Mckinsey and Company for a full 2hrs and I also work at The New Orient Restaurant for an hour.

And I also work at The New Orient Restraunt 1hr every Saturday of each week. I count up checks, take orders and help bring the food out to the customers. I can definitely work at the Prowash in Fremont,CA by 680 south. I want to work after school is over. I will be graduating Tuesday June 20, 2006. I am good at doing everything. I will work after Tuesday, June 20, 2006. That is when I am out of school. I will be on time everyday to work. And last but not least I am ready to work any day of the week, except on holidays.

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