Got the best compliment today. Mom said I looked like that chick from Crouching Tiger. My heart skipped. The young one or the older one? The older one she said. That made my day.

Almost 15 years ago I watched Tomorrow Never Dies and was riveted by Michelle Yeoh. Riveted isn’t even a strong enough word…obsessed with adulation. I declared I wanted to be her, but that wasn’t gonna happen. She was older, but also hot, fit, cool as an assassin, ballsy and aerodynamic. I was chubby, shy and a self-defeatist.

Hearing that comparison really made my day because even though I wanted something at the time that had seemed utterly impossible, 15 years later, I managed to get what I wanted.

The power of belief. You don’t have to be conscious it’s working, but like a journey being made up of a million steps, if you believe, in the background it’s working. You won’t know how well until you get there.


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