Blood, Sweat and Tears

Ready or not, the comedy show is going live next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Frequently Asked Question:

Will there be a baby with a big dong?


Yes. There will be a baby with a big dong. A very big dong, indeed.*

*now try yelling that really fast 50 times in a row at the top of your lungs while spinning around in the middle of traffic as you try not to spill your liter of Peach Schnapps and the fat white cop with the bushy moustache just stands there, tapping his toe, contemplating whether he should take you downtown or just barter a warning for a blowjob. Anyway, I digress.

Yesterday I was driving to rehearsals in rush hour. We finally found the 18 inch summer sausage we needed and I was given the task of bringing it to the theater. I couldn’t stop holding it because it was just absolutely, grotesquely monstrous. As I was stopped in traffic, I saw an Asian guy in a suit talking intensely into his cellphone headset, serious business stuff. I contemplated smiling at him until I got his attention, then waving my big beef stick at him. I felt like that would have given him one hell of a bizarre story to take home.

Link to the show and Paypal for tickets:

Our website isn’t up yet because we’re going through a change in management.

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