8/17 Recap

Last night’s show got off to a rocky start when the actors were for one reason or another, off on the rhythm of the skit so they were talking over people’s lines and just overall, had their timing off. They managed to make a recovery and knocked the white trash skit out of the park. When Reggie stands up as Latisha, the angry black woman in spandex shorts and a headband and threatens to bust a cap in his white ass and goes digging for a gat in a tiny Louis Vutton purse, we had to hold the skit until laughter died down. Overall, that was smoothest skit of the night.

The problem with the show is that we don’t audition the comics and just go by the word of Vargus, our talented cast member who’s on the stand-up circuit with these guys, or referrals from other standups. I didn’t think our first comic the night before was that great, but the other ones were decent. Yet tonight, Sheldon, who had been solid the night before, came in with a different act but seemed to get frazzled by the “front row” who was a “tough crowd” and he couldn’t get any laughs from them. Unfortunately, that front row was made up of my family, who didn’t have the best grasp of English but more importantly, he hadn’t won over any of the crowd yet. So he never got into his act from the first night and got so frazzled with the crowd that he didn’t really follow up his great performance from the night before. From now on, I want to audition the comics so I know what kind of material and energy they’re bringing.

The comedy act that we didn’t have on Tuesday but we had on Wed. was a duo called The Dos Spanish Flies. They were like Tenacious D but with a mariachi/Spanish Variety show theme and really dirty, hilarious songs. Amazing performers with the crispest comic timing I’ve ever encountered. They’re playing the Comedy Store this Sunday at 8pm, so if you’re in LA, I highly recommend catching them. One of the guys looked like this guy I used to date, who looks like Jack Black so in a way, they ARE Tenacious D but with a latin theme.

There’s a possibility of another encore performance. Last night was technically a sold out show, but a lot of people who had prepaid for tickets didn’t show up. Regardles, we’re in the middle of transitioning the show so that it’s going to be run by Reggie and I, with it being bigger and better. They’ve always been tied to Tuesdays and been a small show, but this one was a lot bigger and I want it to start running on the weekends in a bigger theater that’s better suited for media as well, so we can also run video skits with the live ones. It would be cool to find a place where we can serve drinks and afterwards, turn it into a little party with a DJ spinning before the show and after the show. I want to give people an event.

The best show related event hands down though, was not my mom in the lobby after the show teaching Ernie Halter Chinese (note: Ernie was our amazing musician with a voice like butter…check out his site for his music), but the effect the show had on Michael.

For those of you guys who were at the show…do you remember in the Ralph’s skit when Vargus’s old lady character watches the girl walk by and goes, “Bitch.” ???

Reggie, Michael and I were all sleeping in the same room last night and sometime in the middle of the night, it’s completely silent and Michael talks in his sleep and goes, “Bitch.”

No wait. The best show-related event was when I drove my mom home after the show and she said, “You have to teach me some of the bad language that you guys were using. I asked Albert [my cousin]…what is a ‘golden shower.’ And he said, ‘It’s when a woman stands over a man and pees on his head. Is that true?”

And I answered, “It is. But sometimes the man will also pee on the woman’s head.”

So now with the show over (or potentially only soon over), I’ve gotta switch gears to the short film. A shitty-ass industry publication, I won’t say which one, accidentally (and non-remorsefully) printed my phone number in my ad looking for actors so now I’ve got actors calling me morning to night. It’s ridiculously annoying, and the publication admitted the mistake but in the process, more or less told me I could eat it because they have so much to do that they really can’t be bothered about mistakes. So certain third rate publications whose employees are arrogant assholes because they think that just cuz they have a monopoly on the industry that they can be arrogant assholes, I have a creme brulee torch and I’m not afraid to use it.

In other news, new tag for the lemonade:

J&R: “We Stole This Shit”

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