Interesting subject but what the hell is this essay about? The guy’s conclusions and reasoning are idiotic, unfocused, unsupported and unprofessionally personal.

“The impact on the narcissistic Black ego that has used the white woman (instead of God) to compensate for his underlying feelings of inadequacy is to increase his sense of rejection and associated rage.”

Instead of God? Is this really objective discourse?

For the white woman, possession of the Black man subconsciously serves to commemorate the defeat of the white man’s mortal enemy. The object of her true love and desire is the white man. Once the Black man submits to her she sees him as weaker than the white man, who will never submit to her. At this point she taunts the Black man with the white man.

Look on myspace. The stereotypical “white girls who love black guys” (outside of a healthy appreciation of their attractiveness or a desire for adult compatibility) are the ones who have low self-esteem, take provocative pictures flaunting a forced promiscuity and a desperate need to be desired by men who symbolize ultimate masculinity who will either debase them or be “tamed” by the girl’s desirability. They have no sense of empowerment whatsoever that would allow them to recognize a man submitting to her, nor any way to truly obtain that sort of power balance, giving away any power or respect they might be able to obtain. These girls are not respected and are regarded as whores by the black guys they chase (Exhibit A: One black college basketball player on Myspace who had plenty of said girls commenting on his website claimed his hobbies were–basketball, fucking, finding out why white chicks love that black dick). Another reason a woman who is more empowered but seeks out black men solely because they are black men is that she is looking for a higher level of masculinity due to disappointment with her perceived impotence of white men (ie their fathers). There can be many theories or arguments made, but I really don’t think white woman chase black men in an effort to prove they are weaker than white men, or to show their superiority. I think when a white girl chases black men for something beyond appreciating them or having individual compatibility with someone who happens to be black reveals more the insecurities and psychological flaws of the the white woman than a perceived weakness in the black man.

Regardless, poorly written essay. How the hell does this guy have a PhD?

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