strange electricity happening. been a long time.
“that’s what the world is made of, that quantum stuff,” he said.
nearly echoing what I said two posts in a row–this world is energy.
yesterday experienced synchronicity. wish you were here led to wish you were here, led to an image of a man on fire which reminded me of watching a woman light herself on fire earlier that day. a synchronicity palindrome.
so i texted him, have you noticed synchronicities? like random things or references repeating?
he did not answer and i told myself to wait. the waves were not strong but they were there.
and this morning, sarah texts. asking me about paper lanterns.
when i was thinking about her all last week while searching my blog for something specific for him, and i was wondering why she had asked me about paper lanterns months ago. i almost called her too. and here she was.
paper lanterns?
you wouldn’t believe it, sarah. i’m looking at one right now and don’t know what to make of it.
she said she has been seeing number patterns. 111, 222, 333. she said that everything she’s read, Jung, angel numbers, jewish numbers, only seems to say these patterns mean to pay attention. exactly what i had told him.
so i was going to see him today, and made a mental note to talk to him about patterns. he was supposed to come over on tuesday but i had to leave early, and he had wanted to come over earlier but i had to make a quick run. as i was pulling out, he was driving in.
synchronicity, he finally replied. then i remember on tuesday when i had said no, we had also passed each other at the entrance of the complex in the exact same way.
as i was driving to my delivery, i thought about deja vu. about dreaming of the future. of meeting the people whom you have dreamed about, and recognizing them from before time. and then suddenly there is electricity, and the code begins to reveal itself in tiny little coincidences and randomness and it seems that you’re 2 beings speaking 2 languages to someone you believe exists in and above this world, as you do.
and then…
like the many times you have looked up and spoken to the moon, feeling a palpable sense of being seen and understood by something so enveloping and knowing, you are convinced you will receive proof of life…
there’s nothing.
just a flatline.
sarah, you’ve asked, what are paper lanterns? what are their meanings?
and perhaps you wonder, is it enough to uproot entire earth over.
i told you, to get the answers you seek, you must ask the right questions.