why is it some people work so hard to destroy your belief in love stories? and the way they do it is by pretending they believe in them, too.

if you looked at how much the people around me love me, you would understand how much I’ve put into the lives of the people I love.

when I think about life, I feel I would rather be strong and build, even if that means my time in this world will be shorter, but I will go forth with open eyes and an open heart, and in giving, I hope some day to receive something very specific–a summit.

The whole encapsulated view.

Sun in the Eleventh House 11th hs
You have a natural desire and ability to turn yourself into an eminently desirable partner for almost anyone you meet.

yes, it’s quite a skill, isn’t it? at least it couldn’t belong to a sweeter person. don’t hate. if you’re a good person, you could gain from it. i’m generous by nature. but please be honorable and don’t take advantage of the openness.