Every time I look into you, I expose myself for you to look into me. This is the sign of the equal. Yin yang.
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I said that I usually let people approach me. He said he didn’t believe me, that even with him, something about me made him think it was okay to come sit with me. He said I may not inviting people but I definitely leave out the literature.
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No. Way. Its way too early. I can’t take any of this seriously until I see what shakes up in May.
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People who don’t mind flirting but don’t want physical contact aren’t people who don’t like sex. They are people who have trouble with restraint when it comes to sex.
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And he said social experiments.
And he said mindfuck.
And we both have asperger siblings.

This needs attention.
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I told him May was going to be a big month for me.

“Why? Because of a tarot card?”

I picked up his sarcasm. While I do have tarot cards, May was just a feeling. Then I thought about the Earth man card and how for 10 years, I’d been drawn to it, waiting to cross paths with him. And ever since I got to Fremont, I’ve felt that I would meet him in May.

So maybe it was because of a tarot card.

Somehow, he read me.
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“Can I know what your lower lip tastes like?”

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