Brother Will told you. Men mature later. Give him time.

“You may never get over how mad you’re gonna be with me.”


Sending a fuck you to your own teammate in a game out of ego and spite is pretty bad.

You realize someone can’t be happy for you and threatened by you at the same time. They can only be threatened.

This was exactly what you were talking about the first night. When a man is intimidated he’s self-centered. He can only focus on himself and what he lacks. You want someone who appreciates you and can be happy for you and proud of you. You also want a good teammate. Your life partner is your closest teammate. Outside of yourself, you will not depend on a single person more.

One thing she does, she always leaves with a bang.

On the radio on the way home as I was passing the airport…

I went out into the night…I went out to pick a fight, yeah….

I went out into the night…I went out to find the light, yeah…

(Neighborhood #3)

Sportsmanship is being a good winner, a good loser and a good teammate.