
He Looks Like is about to get it’s 100,000th visitor!

I ran into a friend I haven’t seen in a while at the gym last night and mentioned He Looks Like. With a mysterious glint in his eye, he said he was going to get me more hits and that I’d break the site’s traffic records today. I don’t know what he did, but it’s been off the hook. In the time it took my 100 wpm fingers to type the last few lines, I got 116 hits.

743 to go until 100,000.

Thanks E! You’re the freakin’ man.

Today’s Pick Up Don’t:

Don’t say to a girl you’re interested in, “You totally look like this gorgeous girl I used to date! But she died.”

Brian and I went to the Scissor Sisters concert tonight and here are the pictures:

And a 3-legged giraffe ravages a mermaid. They really didn’t look this provocative on the table, but this angle makes it look pretty disturbing.

What Happens When You Fall Asleep Watching Super Troopers

Last night I had a dream where I ran into one of my mom’s friends. This friend is a single mom and has a very needy personality, even though she’s a very nice person. She’ll just go overboard doing nice things for you, like if you invite her over to your house, she’ll bring 3 different cakes even though she didn’t need to bring anything. In my dream, I ran into her and she was being pushy about wanting to do something nice for me. I noticed she was wearing a card around her neck that said she was authorized to supply medical marijuana. So I asked her if she could get me some. So she takes me to this hospital supply store and starts putting these things in the basket. They looked like bags of crystals (supposedly pure THC). Like MSG. So she insisted on buying me a bag of every kind and I went home with all of this stuff. I didn’t want to touch any of it because to be honest, I worried that it was crystal meth. Then I found this thing that looked like a small wreath made of what look like intertwined cigar leaves, with six sections. I unwrapped one and there was a slug in it. I knew that if you ate the slug, the effect was the same as shrooms. But the thing was, that the slug was oozy and disgusting, and there were these small little crab-like spider insects crawling in and out of this thing. I’m arachnaphobic so I was flipping out that this thing was in my home, laying on my carpet with these bugs that were now going to be in my house.

I also felt bad because I knew this thing cost $150, on top of all the other stuff she got me that I didn’t want to put into my body, and I also knew that she doesn’t have a lot of money and barely scrapes by. I just sat there, debating on if I should just take the stuff so I’m not so wasteful.

When I woke up, I was super relieved that not only was that slug thing not in my house, but that I didn’t have this score of drugs that I felt I needed to take out of guilt.

Dude. No more drug movies late at night.

ps–here are Aubrey and Candice. They’re wonderful people.