It’s Not Prostitution

8/11 Update

This Mercury Retrograde period has been awful. Gathering evidence from friends around me, we’ve got 2 lost wallets, 2 broken down cars, 3 computers/laptops gone into cardiac arrests for no apparent reason. Our phones at work have been sporadically deciding not to work the last week, causing an inability to hang up on phone calls, and then an inability to pick up on calls. People have shown up to the wrong places for meetings, transcribed the wrong addresses and phone numbers, and we’re hitting a record high for returned merchandise due to mechanical failure. Mix in the arguments over miscommunications and the last two weeks have been hell. The good news is it ends next week. I figure, if we can put together this comedy show during a retrograde, future shows will be a piece of cake.

Things that excite me this week:

We have FDA compliant labels coming in next week for the lemonade. We already have some coffee chains and small markets interested in carrying the product, so once we get our labels in, we may have our lemonade in local stores as early as in two weeks.

I went to Best Buy and looked at the 60″ Sony LCD TV. I’m determined to have it in my living room by the first week of September.

I’ve finalized the deal with a restaurant consultant to begin the business plan for my restaurant idea. He’ll have it done within a week or two.

My home computer which was decimated by a virus is very close to being fixed.

The Surreal Life. Omarosa and Janice Dickinson battling to be top bitch? Balki trying to get with Janice?? Janice pulling out a vibrator because Jose Canseco won’t give her any play??? Good God, why didn’t I discover this show sooner…

Hu Szechuan in Culver City on National. The Orange Chicken.


I found this story very moving and I’m glad people are supporting her. Bush is such a fuckhead.