when people show you who they really are, believe them…the first time.

sadly, a quote from oprah.

proudly, i’ve taken it to heart.

at the end of the day, i remember that people love me and they respect me and want the best for me. there is a positive world that awaits me, because in turn, i focus on the positive and put my faith that if good people are what i’m looking for, good people are the ones who will surround me. that even in a situation that tears me down, i will not lose myself, i will not lose sight of who i am and what i deserve. i also know that i will not allow myself to put up with a situation that is destructive and has no desire to change. nothing is ever 100% good or 100% bad, but if it’s not organically moving towards the positive, then what good is it? i had beautiful moments, which makes it harder to know that for whatever reason, it just wasn’t enough. that wanting things to work out and trying my best just wasn’t enough. ah, that’s the part that really breaks my heart.

i know that no matter what, i tried with the best of efforts and intentions, even if others want to take me for granted and tell me it’s not enough. the basic thing is if someone doesn’t respect the value of what i give, then i’ll find myself people who do and will reciprocate in kind. people who build bridges instead of telling you you can have everything…just don’t make any demands on them. at the end of the day, i can give positively but i can not force another person to do anything even if it is for their own benefit. i know that i am a good person, will always be a good person, and will always have love and positive regard to give to those who truly want it and appreciate it, and are willing to create positive situations in which these things can be exchanged and magnified.

i have no regrets no matter how much things will hurt until they stop. inside every part of me, i know i tried and i gave everything. it doesn’t matter what others think. i know that and i have peace.

i am comfortable in knowing that even when there is disappointment or heartache, i will be with the person who deserves me, because i know without question it is what i deserve. pain is superficial. time heals all wounds. but letting yourself down when you know you deserve more…that is unacceptable.