Because we respected it for being bigger than us and let it pass through without being selfish, there will always be a little bit of you inside of me, and a little bit of me inside of you, no matter the distance.

I haven’t changed course. Almost got distracted, but the danger made itself known before it was too late. It was like a bigger voice speaking through that person without his awareness. He warned me of himself.

Now all the signs are saying prepare to launch.

The future is now. Are you on board?

People always save their best lies to tell themselves.
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Sometimes I think sitting on trains
Every stop I get to I’m clocking that game
Everyone’s a winner, we’re making our fame
Bonafide hustler making my name


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My mom on phone talking about her customers’ biggest concern of the company not being global enough, and my goal last year of globalizing myself. Interesting.

I am world-class talent. The question has been if I can execute. Let me provide an answer by August.
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