Men who tie their sweaters around their waist while prowling nightlife most likely have small penises.
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Maroon 5 This Love and missile silo army commercial
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I thought missile defense was run by the air force. Army? Hmmm.
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First field trip in a while. Coach shoes, CK shirt, Prada purse, North Face jacket. Ha. Systematic emblematic. Good luck tonight.
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Steve Nash is the Magician for the win.

My new title! Couldn’t have imagined a better one. My life is based on searching for win-win! Got 3 more weeks to finish book and plunge into work. 5 weeks until launch.

Strategic Alliance Manager – By using this title your company is stating
that you want a relationship with your clients. You are not just
attempting to sell them a widget, but trying to develop a “win win”