Roger, this guy I met on craigslist and hung out with once, saw me in the crowd.

You ruined me, he said when he finally got up the nerve to stop lurking in the shadows.

Good, I said. Someone had to.
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Even if I already know, I can’t stop myself from being mad.
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Amsterdam–discovering the depths to which I could love and hate someone.

I think what most hurt was both being lied to, and the disappointing realization of how someone could have so lost their faith.

It is important for me to believe that person is honest. It’s the only way I can believe that person loves me.
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I have a desire to shave my head some day to know what I would look like. I want to look healthy though.
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I love it when all my brothers play nice.
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woman really are like plants. sometimes i’m at work and i think about mine. in some ways, men are, too.