
He’s not even on this plane. But he’s somewhere. That’s what has been the hardest.

I find it so hard to reach out in this world. I have to tap someone.

Sat next to an old man in San Francisco today. He told me about this 80 lb dragon he’d bought for $5 from a garage sale that he’d once carried up four flights of stairs by himself. This was years ago when he was young. He’d recently given it to his neighbors who are chinese. It took two men to carry down a dragon he’d once carried up by himself.

The new year falls on an 11 day. Enter the dragon, beeyitch.

Make it work.
Let it ride.
If it’s bent over,
I will fuck it.

Happy new year

Someone once told me I’m the kind of girl who makes a guy think he’s made some mistakes in life.

He’s affected me so much because he makes me feel like I’ve made mistakes in mine.

What are promises, if they’re made in dreams?

I rarely project all of myself. Because if it was all of myself, I wouldn’t be projecting.

Some people settle down, but never find the one.

Some people find the one but never settle down.