It’s totally true when they say too much of a good thing is bad for you. As funny as it seems, I’ve met people with porn addictions and it gets pretty ugly.

Okay, those who know me, know that I’m very protective of my loved ones at best, over-protective of my loved ones at worst. So I just found out last night from Lori at Starbucks that this one massage/acupuncture place was actually a whorehouse; not only were none of the therapists licensed massage therapists, but they were giving the guys handjobs and blowjobs. Whatever. I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with, is that over Thanksgiving, my mom’s back was hurting and I sent her over there and she got a massage there. Brian told me not to tell her and I haven’t, but I’m really pissed off that a fucking whore touched my mom, and that I sent the poor woman in for it.

I used to date a guy who told me that people always reacted badly towards him. He said that he noticed that people always reacted openly and warmly towards me but sometimes, people seemed put off by or cold to him. I told him that it was probably just in his mind and maybe just something he was projecting. But now that I think about it, the guy was always dating up. Somehow, even as fucked up as he was, he always got girls that were obviously out of his league. And I think when the friends and family of those girls met him, they would kind of be put off because they expected better for her or they didn’t think he was good enough.

So then, when friends and family members of the person you’re dating react badly towards you, is that a sign that you’re dating up? Personally, I wouldn’t know. I think girls have a tendency to date a league or several down. Especially Asian girls. I see way too many beautiful Asian woman with below-average men (both in looks and personality). My Asian (and White and Black and Puerto Rican) Sisters! We Need to go for the HOT men! Screw this misogynistic imbalance! Let the hot girls get the hot asshole guys, the cute girls get the hot nice guys, the ugly girls get the ugly nice guys, and the ugly assholes sit at home and think about what right they have to be assholes. Honestly. What right.

Once when I was 8, I was playing with a neighbor’s dog, some kind of bulldog mix, but a total mutt. I remembered that there was another neighbor who had some pure-bred golden retrievers. I just figured that they would like to play together so I lured the dog over to the neighbor’s house. When we got there, the golden retrievers were outside. Suddenly, the woman who owned the house came out and started screaming, “Pei! Get that dog out of here! Right now!” She was arms waving, hair flying pissed! I got really scared and grabbed the dog and nearly dragged him back down the hill. I only understood as much that those dogs are really special and I guess she didn’t want the mutt getting them pregnant with mixed babies, even though I had no idea how that happens yet. It’s strange that my first inkling about sex involved pedigree. But it really hurt my feelings that she would get so angry about it and that she didn’t even say my name right. I never looked her in the eye again. I heard she asked my parents a few months later why I never came by her house anymore. It was because I just couldn’t face her. I was really ashamed of myself for that whole incident.

The strange thing is, is that sometimes I bring guys home to meet my parents and it feels like that whole incident all over again. Like I’m luring a mutt up the hill again and my parents, like the woman, tell me that I’m with a mutt and I feel ashamed. I don’t really think it’s about the boys. I think it’s about my recreating a traumatic incident.