To warp the words of Howie D., “Lately I’ve been drinking, and lately I’ve been thinking of you.”

So let’s play the drunken dysfunctional what if game:

What if the rules had been broken a few more times and I hadn’t talked you into staying?
What if the dreams that we dreamed were just the hopes of two people waiting to self destruct?
What if everything you said was true and everything I said was true and it was easier to make lies from them than to believe the truth?
What if I had been the one to throw in the towel early and cut you off at the knees so you could feel my pain?
What if you hadn’t come home drunk that night and beaten my insides so badly that I begged you to finish the job?
What if everything you knew to be true was a lie, and I was actually the one fucking with you?

It’s been years since I’ve seen you but maybe it’s time for me to confront your ghost. Because I see your ghost in every man I meet. I tell you I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen the dark side and I’ve seen the light and you are neither. You have barely existed in this world that moves too fast for a little boy crying into his sleeve. I’ve tasted beatings from every man and woman I’ve met and nothing tastes sweeter than the ones I give myself. You are the speck hidden on the side of the roof hinged in just the wrong way broken black and daring the world to drop you into oblivion. You haven’t haunted anything except the sad little boy hiding in his daddy’s shadow and one day when something bigger than you takes over and you’re not so much drowning as forgetting to breathe, you’ll remember the one person who reached out a hand and realize that you really fucked up and there’s nothing left in the world that won’t turn against you.

Journeys into the night last a lifetime, my friend
and you have no time to sleep
when the morning comes with the debris scattered around
you will think about what is worthy to keep
in your dreams you are flying
but deep down you know
that some things will never return
you’ve put your eggs in a bottomless basket
and you’re fucked when you realize you can never let go

So I’m sitting here, procrastinating from working as I usually am late at night, and I’m reading random blogs. Some of them are boring…really technical people talking about system programs and codes. Some are really personal and interesting, like people who use their blogger as a personal webpage and journal. I posted a link to one last week I think…it’s the blog of a 16 year-old girl living in Mexico. She’s very articulate and charming, and has a lot of wisdom for someone so young. She seems really cool. But she’ll post these things about which guy she likes, what high school drama went on, etc. and then post something really worldy about her view of society and people. It’s like reading someone’s diary…someone who’s on the brink of realizing all the knowledge and insight she has to give to the world, but yet is still a little frightened of taking the reins of her potential. It’s that place in someone’s life, between the state of having your eyes still clouded by childhood and the realization that you are an individual perspective that can manifest itself for better or for worse within its environment. She’s like an infant before realizing her legs are strong enough to stand upon…she makes little self-effacing comments whenever she talks about ways in which she is affecting change in her surroundings. Reading her blog makes me wish that I had kept a diary more diligently when I was growing up.


Thar she blows! Dead whale explodes
(article from MSNBC

TAIPEI – Residents of Tainan learned a lesson in whale biology after the decomposing remains of a 60-ton sperm whale exploded on a busy street, showering nearby cars and shops with blood and organs and stopping traffic for hours.

The 56-foot-long whale had been on a truck headed for a necropsy by researchers, when gases from internal decay caused its entrails to explode in the southern city of Tainan.

Residents and shop owners wore masks while trying to clean up the spilt blood and entrails.

“What a stinking mess. This blood and other stuff that blew out on the road is disgusting, and the smell is really awful,” a BBC News report quoted one Tainan resident as saying. The sperm whale was being carried by truck through Tainan.

The whale had died on Jan. 17 after it beached itself on the southwestern coast of the island.

Researchers at the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan said enough of the whale remained to allow for an examination by marine biologists.

Once moved to a nearby nature preserve, the male specimen — the largest whale ever recorded in Taiwan — drew the attention of locals because of its large penis, measured at some five feet, the Taipei Times reported.

“More than 100 Tainan city residents, mostly men, have reportedly gone to see the corpse to ‘experience’ the size of its penis,” the newspaper reported.


“…have gone to see the corpse to ‘experience’ the size of its penis.” My Taiwanese brothers and sisters…it’s bad enough that a whale explodes in the middle of your city, but did you really have to clamor in front of newsreporters to visit a corpse and “experience” its five-foot penis? Couldn’t you have at least pretended to be a little more nonchalant about it? I swear, I’m afraid what my relatives back in Taiwan are going to send me on their Christmas cards this year…

Name: Julia

Nickname: BitchGetOffMyPorch!

Age: 25

Birthday: 6/14

Occupation: Writer

# of Siblings: 1

Would You Give Them a Kidney? yes

Are You Friends With Your Parents? yes

Favorite Movie: Welcome to the Dollhouse

Favorite Actor/Actress: Kevin Spacey. I’ll watch anything he’s in. / Helen Hunt

Favorite Book: I Know This Much Is True (Wally Lamb), American Psycho (Bret Easton Ellis), Barrel Fever (David Sedaris), Only Love is Real (Brian Weiss)

Favorite Band/Singer: Since the Backstreet Boys are technically a “group,” I can’t decide. I listen to everything.

Favorite Song: Oh, Eye of the Tiger, hands down. Best Make-Out Song. EVER. Or maybe, I Got You, Babe, by Sonny and Cher because they sound wasted. Seriously? I used to love Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover by Sophie B. Hawkins, until I found out that it’s a lesbian song. Okay, fine. I still do.

Favorite Drink: Mojitos or Absolut Kurant and Gingerale. Oh…maybe they’re not looking for an alcoholic drink. Shoot, now I sound like I have a problem. I love that C&C grape drink…it’s a Japanese grape soda pumped up with vitamin C.

Dream Car: A hot pink hovercraft

Places You Would Most Like to Travel: Seattle, China, Italy, Germany, Egypt, back in time

Luxury Item If You Were on Survivor: Toothbrush

Favorite Quote: I wrote you a long letter because I didn’t have time to write you a short one.

Favorite Word: what?

Least Favorite Word: moist

Favorite Cuss Word: punk-ass bitch

[extra credit] James Lipton should be…shot or castrated and shot? shot, castrated and then his big, fat head bronzed

Favorite Pick-Up Line: Sheeeit, baby, you so fine that if we was in prison, I’d totally make you my bitch.

How Many People Have You Kissed: I am the make-out queen.

How Many Of Those Were Conscious: Okay, none.

In High School, I was a… …um, girl?

If You Were Running From the Law–Mexico, Canada or The Backwoods of Arkansas? Man, they kill us slanty-eyed folks in Arkansas! I’m goin’ to Mexico. They’ve got cheap mango margaritas there…

Are You Hot? Yes.

I Mean, Are You Really Hot? Yes. Now get off my corner. I’m working.

On a Scale of 1 to 10 [with 1 being, “Holy crap man, it wasn’t even human!”], Exactly How Bad Was He/She the Sober Morning After? Man, you don’t even want to know. And this was every morning for two years.

If You Could Be Any Person of the Opposite Sex, Who Would You Be? The lucky guy who gets to marry me. Okay, Owen Wilson. He’s smart and sexy, he co-wrote Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaums (both incredible movies), he gets away with a funky nose, he can pull off leather pants…and he’s from Texas. But the first thing I would do is ditch the hos and declare my love for my brother, Luke. Second choice, Michael Jordan. That guy could get away with murder.

If You Could Meet Anyone in History, Who Would You Want to Meet? Carl Jung or Nikola Tesla.

If You Could Sleep With Anyone in History, Would Would That Be? Um…………………I don’t know. I’d like to cuddle with Jimmy Stewart.

If You Could Travel In Time, Where and Which Time Period Would You Go? 4th Grade, my elementary school. I’ve got some ass to kick. Or maybe to Germany in the 1800s before all that shit went down.

Do You Live in the Past, Present, or Future? Anything but the present.

Do You Believe in Love At First Sight? I believe in lust at first sight. But on rare occasions, that might grudgingly turn into love.

If You Had One Super-Power, What Would It Be? The ability to heal people.

If You Were Granted 3 Wishes, What Would They Be? [more wishes is not an acceptable answer] World Peace, Universal Happiness, and a huge rack.

Would You Rather Be Called Soulless or Gay? Gay, hands down

Human Beings–Inherently Good or Predisposed to Evil? Inherently good but it takes work to be and do good, and sometimes people take the easy way out.

What is Your Greatest Fear? That there’s nothing more beyond this mundane reality.

What Is Your Biggest Regret In Life Thus Far? graduating from college early.

Are You Happy? If by happy you mean chain-smoking, Lil-Debbie addicted, grotesquely fat, incorrigibly white and aspiring to kick my 35 year-old unemployed son out of the trailer because it’s about time he got a job and stopped livin’ off his mama, then no, I’m not happy.

More not-working-at-the-office fun. This is between my infamous brother and I. I think he misunderstood my question and thought I said, “do you ever wish I had a girlfriend.”

Me: do you ever wish you had a girlfriend?
mshh234: no
Me: never?
Me: why not?
mshh234: no no
Me: why not?
mshh234: that is gay
mshh234: i don’t want a gay sister

and then it continued…

Me: wait, i said, do you ever wish YOU had a girlfriend?
Me: not if you wish I had a girlfriend
mshh234: yes
Me: why?
mshh234: someone to talk to & play with
Me: that would be good
Me: what kind of girls do you like?
mshh234: sehnse of humor girls and love to eat
Me: do you know anyone like that?
mshh234: yup
Me: who?
mshh234: you

…awww. I LUVS MY MICHAEL! But you can’t have me. I’m dysfunctional.

More not-working-at-the-office fun:

Me: the family guy scripts are funny
Me: are they for sure bringing the show back?
jckurily: i dont know for sure
jckurily: i know there was talk about a movie
Me: oh. my. god. that would be AWESOME
jckurily: i know.
Me: do you watch that show?
jckurily: i have like 33 ep in my tivo
Me: nice
Me: you should dump them to tape to save room
Me: for things like queer eye and the oc
Me: i’m just kidding
jckurily: but how did you know…
Me: jake, we ALL know…
Me: there never really was an intern between sean and you, was there?
jckurily: no.. that was an imagination
jckurily: and jamie was a boy
jckurily: oh, god..i feel so dirty
jckurily: but i feel better for talking about it
Me: don’t worry, many many many MANY young men enjoy being greased up by their employers and playing cabana boy during the afterwork hours
Me: it’s pure metrosexual stress relief
Me: i won’t judge
jckurily: oh… i am sooo relieved that I am not alone..
jckurily: maybe i can start a union for this
Me: you should
Me: Greasy Cabana Boys Who Are Not Gay But Still Really Really Love Their Overweight Bosses Association
jckurily: GCBWANGBSRRLTOBA for short… i think it will catch on
jckurily: it just rolls of the tongue

Spending 40 hours a week next door to a mall is rotting my soul…

jckurily: hey, i was wondering if you wanted to have lunch tomorrow…
Me: sure thang
jckurily: cool
Me: can you come by century city mall?
jckurily: yup
Me: yay
Me: we’ll talk shit
Me: about fat people
Me: and ugly people
Me: and sometimes fat ugly people
jckurily: thats the only way to feel better
Me: but the best way is talking shit about people who can’t walk good
Me: because…you know…they can’t walk good.
jckurily: thats just wrong julia

Taron asked me if I would be his Valentine. As cute as it was, I wonder if maybe he wasn’t so much romantically motivated, as he was just trying to stop me from selling my soul to the devil by getting in a hotboxed lesbian clown car with Margaret Cho and heading up to SacTown for a gay marriage rally over Valentine’s weekend.

For those who like IQ tests:

shameless self-promotion…you can ignore this. I just found this press release for a festival I won at that I’ve never seen before and want a copy of. Other creative links for me.

Cojones on ifilm
(they deleted all our credits when they revamped the site, but my shitty little movie is still there. Stars the “I love you seven!” Girl from the Sorority Sprint commercial, the lovely Ms. Tina Kapousis.)


(under the Commercials section) and Hallmark (wrote and directed)


Press Release
The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival is the largest
festival of its kind in the world today. Founded in 1993 by Stuart Alson, this
festival has been recognized by the film and entertainment industry as one of
the leading film events on the independent festival circuit. This year the
festival went bicoastal with events in New York and Los Angeles! Our festival
delegates also have the opportunity to screen internationally at high-profile
film markets including MIFED and Cannes.

Festival Highlights We are looking forward to showcasing world premieres,
special screenings and over 100 features, shorts, documentaries and animation in
our New York festival. Highlights include AFTER THE STORM, Guy Ferland’s finely
observed story about the loss of innocence and the seductive power of greed
starring Benjamin Bratt and Armand Assante. BOROUGH OF KINGS directed by Elyse
Lewin, is a coming of age film with a mob back drop starring Olympia Dukakis and
Philip Bosco. MOMENT IN TIME directed by Robert Orlando is an intense and
beautifully shot psychological drama starring Neil Maffin and Annika Peterson.
CUBA/ISLAND OF MUSIC is a vibrant documentary by Gary Keys about the ordinary
people of Cuba who have delivered to the world one of the greatest musical
creations of modern times. The documentary profiles world renowned artists such
as Orquesta Aragon, Los Zafiros and Manolin. –

LA Winners in New York A selection of award winning films from our LA Festival
(September 21-28, 2000) will also be included in the New York showcase,
including: THE KILLING ZONE winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Best Feature, a
dark, stylized pulp thriller directed by David Diaz; BREATHING UNDER WATER
starring newcomer Alexandre Pinto who captured the award for Best Actor; Michael
DeCarlo’s WASHED UP starring daytime soap star Cameron Mathison; and ANITA
VELEZ: DANCING THROUGH LIFE written, produced and directed by daughter, Jane

Shorts and animation include the perversely funny COJONES (LA Audience Award
winner) directed by Julia Sh*h; THE INVISIBLE SHELLEY, a surreal musical short
by Gary Miller who won the award for Best Directorial Debut; Nick Jameson’s
(former member of FOGHAT) filmmaking debut FORTUNE INN; THE MEAT DRAW by Jon
Shaikh starring James Fleet and Brian Hibbard is a the hilarious winner of Best
Foreign Short and SUPERFUNK & FREAKY DEE, the Grand Jury winner for Best
Animation by the talented David Cowles.

Madison Square Garden The festival begins on Friday, December 1, 2000 with our
Opening Night Exhibition and Gala Celebration at Madison Square Garden and runs
through December 11, 2000. The opening night event is an interactive “open air
market” featuring both film and art. The whole spectrum of the entertainment
industry will be in attendance including film distributors, production
companies, record labels, literary agencies, gallery owners, art dealers,
casting agencies along with international press and media. Festival participants
get an excellent opportunity to promote their work by occupying booths and
networking with key contacts in the industry.

Industry Contact Elisabeth Fraller (212) 228-4739.

Press Contact Abby O’Sullivan (212) 387-0651

Box Office and Information Contact Stuart Alson (212) 777-7100