Spankfest = Morning After of Overwhelming Shame

Well, Spankfest 2007 came and went, carrying with it the rising trend of actual spanks versus the previous mission statement of posing for spanking pictures only, and leaving me a with a sore ass this morning and a black hole where my dignity once was.

Things I learned this year:

1. I have very good alcohol tolerance. After talking for weeks about my low tolerance for alcohol, I discovered that I don’t have a low tolerance as much as the fact that very little alcohol (about 1/4th of a drink) will get me drunk, but after that I can handle my alcohol pretty well. Case in point–2 red bull/vodkas, 6 kamikazes and 1 vodka shot last night. I was still upright and fairly coherent. The key is to stick to the same type of drink. This ranks as the second most alcohol I’ve had in one night. No throwing up, though still drunk the morning after.

2. I am very, very affectionate when I drink. I think that’s my natural state. I like to touch people. It makes me happy.

3. I think my natural disposition is one that is outgoing. At some point in my life, I became shy. I still maintain that I can be shy not from a lack of confidence, but from a lack of trust in others in some situations.

4. I have a designated driver every year, but what I need is an Underwear Exposure Wrangler. I am very, very embarrassed for the number of times I exposed my bare ass and my underwear, particularly on camera. Luckily, the circulating cameras mostly belonged to me, so I have relative control over what is released. Pictures will be destroyed, for sure. I’m pretty pissed at myself for my love of showing off my underwear.

5. Spankfest is my favorite event of the year.

6. I have great friends.