it was a rainy day today, lots of dramatic clouds, even some sunshine as it rained. i was driving and thought of aubrey so i texted him to see how he’s doing. a part of me had a feeling he would call me instead of text back. he did.

why did you text, he asked.

just to see how it’s going, i said.

i ask because we’re actually in san jose and had thought about calling you, but we didn’t have enough time so we were talking about how we should give you a call sometime when your text came in. candice goes, is she psychic or what? and i said, a little bit, and here we are.

i laughed. it must be the electricity from the rainstorm, i said. it carried your thoughts.

another factor to my strange dream i may have forgotten. earlier that day, i was wondering about someone in the office and if anything ever happened.

You may still seek out relationships in which you have the same emotional dependency you had toward your mother. Your emotional reactions to people are only habits that interfere with communication. Or you may play a parental role toward someone else who really needs to be independent.


I need to choose a place and go away for the holiday.
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Don’t think cuz I understand, I care.
Don’t think cuz we’re talkin, we’re friends.
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