I worked hard to get you the best price, but I owe it to my people not to run a sweat shop.
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Based on will to live can surpass limitations of life
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If I were to sleep with someone, it would be someone who can keep his mouth shut, not some douche who thinks he knows me.
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I get it. When you write the truth in a way that people believe it’s what happened, and in doing so, become the truth that happens, you are ready to write myth.
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If it’s hiding in plain sight and they can’t find it, they’re not smart enough.
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I dreamed I was in a house with serial killers. One of them dated my friend, but because I’d watched Scream, I knew they were the killers. So I wasn’t scared, plus…I’d paused the dream for Bohr to show me how to use a gun. And I had this amazing beagle who was loyal but not needy, and just from the way he looked at me, I knew he would fight to the death to protect me.
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What am I?

Why, the greatest spirit of them all.

I write myths.
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May 11th to May 13th.
