A lot of pressure this week. It never stops. My first emotion waking up in the morning before total consciousness is a cold anxiety, that the reality I wake up to will contain a loss.

The other night I dreamed that I was back in Amsterdam. There were two little American girls there, maybe 13 and 11, and so I was giving them a tour. I realized something was different and it dawned on me they’d closed the coffee shops. I was sad. I was trying to show them this one place where I’d spent a lot of time thinking and writing, but it was now a middle-eastern bazaar. I wanted to show them a place where I had felt inspired.

I wish I could project the ideas and images inside me artistically. I can’t translate myself spatially. If I were to depict myself, it would be as a black knight, tearing it up in battle, a faceless, vicious, force of nature of near mythical proportions with a swift and merciless sword. Equally loved, revered, respected and feared, I have believers and I have enemies. I am bigger than I am.

But behind the scenes, when I withdraw and take off my armor and mask, I’m innocence. Vulnerable. Just a kid. I don’t understand this fury inside of me. People would be horrified to know what I really am, how vulnerable, particularly the ones who’ve tried to kill me. Or maybe the fact they don’t know is the only thing saving me. My spirit is a beast, my courage ignited by passion. But when I am alone, I am so quiet. My greatest despair…who can watch over me while I sleep.

New Warriors Intro:


I added that last one.

Yesterday I was thinking about Katrina and then Kanye West. I was walking by Bill’s cubicle so I leaned over and said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” He said, “What?” and cracked up. I love making people laugh with randomness.

In one of my meetings today, this guy said Facebook’s goal is to have pages load within a hundredth of a millisecond because otherwise, people will click on something else.

On one hand, it’s scary how short our attention span is getting.

On the other, I was happy. All the jokes about me being a prime example that ADHD is real. I like to think I just adapted for the new world of information that’s emerging. I’m an example of the evolution.

All I need is 20% and one alliance and I have majority.

Yesterday the king said to me, now it’s time to start building your army.

That’s what I’ve been doing, I said.