Girls Night Out

Last night I went out with the girls for the first time since I became a hermit because of my crazy work schedule. Since I’m the only one who’s single and the other girls are in really serious relationships, I decided that this night had to be crazy…Julia kind of crazy. So I told them that we all had to come up with porn names and introduce ourselves as such. So Sarita was Anita Wang (this is the name of a woman that my mom actually works with! She works with Harry Tang), Rebecca was Connie Lingos and I was Cherry Cummings. I ditched my Halloween alias of Taloofa Shihshihsteinberg Jankins because I didn’t think I could get any play introducing myself as Taloofa, no matter how well I can grind on the dance floor. So we went over to Red Rock and had a pretty fun time. I had a fairly creative pick-up line ready and the deal was that the girls could pick the guy I would use it on, but he had to be HOT because I guaranteed them that it would work and I didn’t want some creepy ugly guy stalking me all night. But I never got to use it because I met a pretty cool guy and we ended up spending most the night together. He was a good enough sport when he found out about our names thing that he said he’d go by Dixon Cox. That earned points with me. I love good sports. And he was a Virgo. Which earned even more points with me. Those who know will know why.

I’d like to go out dancing sometime. Maybe next weekend? Just with the girls because I love feeling the rhythm of the music course through me, and just moving with it, and not having to think about anything else. I’ve never really gone dancing out here in LA, and I never date guys who want to go dancing. So while I’m currently happily single, that’s definitely in my game plan.

3 more weeks of UCLA! And then I have more nights and weekends free! Believe me, I’m gonna use them! I feel like I spent too much of my youth working and building for the future. I want to go out and experience life and do more things before I get bogged down with the inevitable responsibilities of growing older. Last night was a great experience. It makes me excited about the future.