In our defense, this was an actual ad for pajamas in a Sunday’s Mervyn’s catalog.

Random Quote Taken Out of Context

Lauren: Are you talking about the time when I had to wear a helmet?
Martin: What?
Lauren: Julia made me put on a helmet and slide down her hall. While she videotaped.

Coffee Bean Guy: A Proper Ending to an Imaginary Saga

So I haven’t been in the Coffee Bean at my usual morning time for over a month because I’ve been going to the gym at the crack of dawn and going to work 1 1/2 hours early. Regardless, I’d already gotten pretty bored of the situation and plus, he’s kind of creepy and I don’t want to chance him actually wanting to connect with me.

So my coworker Avi and I went to pick up lunch for the office today. Driving back, we were on the residential street next to our building and I was telling Avi how eclectic houses on a single LA street can be. I pointed to a rundown house and said, “Like that one…,” pointed at a huge, white house with pillars, “…next to that one.” He said (re: the big house), “That’s a rehab house.” I said, “What?” and looked at it, just as Coffee Bean Guy walks out the front door.

I started cracking up because when Sarita and I were bored and theorizing about him over IM one day, she had suggested, “What if he’s in AA and the reason you always see him talking to people at Coffee Bean is because they’re meetings with his sponsers?” That was so random and out of the blue that we started cracking up. But when I saw him at the rehab house, I started laughing because I would have never guessed how close Sarita was to the truth. Major props to Sarita. She IS a genius.

Anyway, God bless LA. Don’t take candy from strangers.

I talked to my brother yesterday and he asked if he could visit me on his summer break. I said okay. He asked if he could book his ticket now and I said sure. So I guess he did and he emailed me his itinerary and he’s booked a stay for 20 days. 20 DAYS!!! His entire break! So I’m flipping because I was thinking, you know, like a week-long visit. So I wrote him this email in jest. His hilarious response follows:

Dear Michael,
I noticed that you plan to stay for 20 days with me. Since that is such a
long time, this trip will not count as a vacation for you. Therefore, here
are my terms:

1. You will get a job. I don’t care what kind of job. You have to find a job
while you’re here. And a real job, too. Not a job where I have to pay you.
Because you will be taking out my garbage for free.

2. I get 50 percent of your paycheck from this job which counts as your rent
and food charges. And anything else I have to pay for, I will create a bill
which you will have to pay within a week’s time of the purchase. This
includes clothes, movie tickets, keychains and airplanes.

3. You will clean my house and make my bed every day.

4. If I want a foot massage, you have to do it. I will pay you: 50 cents for
30 minutes. 75 cents for 1 hour. 1 dollar if you give me a massage and feed
me at the same time.

5. You will go to the gym with me 5 days a week. If you burn more than 400
calories on a cardio machine, I will buy you a jamba juice. If I burn more
calories than you, you will wash my car.

6. You will treat me to dinner once a week. And don’t tell me you don’t have
enough cash. I will take you to an ATM.


Thank you,
Julia S.





Ben Wallace – Part Deux

Ben Wallace had another strong showing in the game last night and I would like to expound some more about why Big Ben is so impressive to watch.

Big Ben is well known not only for his massive size and for his skilled use of his body, but also for his boundless energy and incredible stamina. Even though some critics say that he often has trouble finding the hole with his shot, he has the ability to quickly get up again and again and again until he succeeds in scoring. The greatest issue is that Big Ben rushes his shot and shoots too hard, but with more practice, Big Ben will develop a natural intuition that will allow him to not attack the hole so aggressively, but with a much softer touch. He’s very good about muscling into position and using his strong lower body and nimble hands to put himself in an ideal situation to get off a solid shot or to finish if someone else is not able to complete. Excellent on both ends, Big Ben has caused many to be subjected to his trademark no-holds-barred facials. If you’re trying to get off a shot and look up to find Big Ben coming down on you, you’d better watch out! Known for his dominant presence, Big Ben doesn’t like other people getting off shots in his house. He is a man amongst boys and I’m sure everyone in the league would agree, “Big Ben is a true stud who can bang down low on both ends all night.”

My cute mom and the flowers I got her for my birthday.

97 Seconds – Expert Level. This is how exciting my workday was.

This just in…

I had my birthday dinner at Houston’s with my father who was here for the mediation regarding the condo. He told me that Michael got him a father’s day present, and the card said, “You’re the #11 best dad in the world.” I’m sure it’s a typo, but I’m curious as to who the top 10 are.

The rest of the story: So my dad puts the card on his nightstand and jokes to Michael, “So I’m the number 11th best dad, huh?” And Michael just laughed and looked kind of embarrassed. That night, my dad went to bed and found that Michael had crossed out the second “1” to make it “#1 best dad.”

Michael sent me flowers and a Britney Spears CD for my birthday (which I giggled about for a while). The card?

“Julia P. S***. Happy 26th Birthday.”

Thank you, Michael J. S***.

Today is my favorite day of the year!

I woke up this morning and was still very, very intoxicated. I had a lot of alcohol yesterday and didn’t get sick so it was all still in my system today, but I have to say that I’m feeling surprisingly okay, though it took me until late afternoon to get anywhere near sober. But I felt good enough to think about wanting to go to the gym so this is a great day after. I learned two things last night. 1. I can hold my liquor. 2. I am never doing that again.

I hate drunk hos.

Thanks, everyone, for an awesome party last night! And thanks especially to Calvin for the…”show.” I saw hip gyrations and think my brain shortcircuited from pleasure overload, because that’s the fuzziest point of my memory.

We had 3 disposable cameras going around the party and I’m pretty terrified of what’s on them.

There was a rock in my purse this morning. I don’t know why there’s a rock in my purse.

Ryan hands me back my camera and says, “There are some strange pictures on it.” Okay. So ‘splain yourself. What the hell IS this????&

this picture visually sums up my experience of the evening. [The Lapdance God and I]

Lesson of the Weekend

12 Patron shots? Yeah, that’ll get you drunk.

I just ordered Happy Birthday flowers for my mom. In The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the protagonist says that on your birthday, you should get your mom a gift, too, because she did most of the work. And I think that makes sense. And lucky for my mom, 1. I don’t mind having been brought into this crazy world so I don’t resent her for doing the work, and 2. I like her as a person so I’m willing to give her props. Unfortunately, my moronic ass wasn’t paying attention to filling out the online form so instead of sending flowers to her on Monday, 6/14, I sent it in that I was sending flowers to myself at her office on Saturday, 6/12. It is amazing how many tasks I can perform without actually involving my brain. But I just talked to a customer service rep and got everything worked out. In my defense, I’m still severely jetlagged and am only sleeping between the hours of 12am and 3am.

I’m psyched about the party tomorrow. It should be a blast. I’ve set my drink limit beforehand at 3 drinks, but I doubt that’s gonna hold…my cousins are coming and they know how to provoke my competitive streak with drinking games. Since I have low tolerance to begin with and my cousins and I are having dinner at the bar before the party, I’m just hoping that I’m still conscious by the time people start showing up.

In other news, Peyote buries his own doody. What a considerate little neat freak.

In other news, I got caught up in the basketball game and forgot to celebrate his birthday yesterday. So officially, his birthday is now June 11th instead of June 10th. This date feels more befitting of him anyway. Happy birthday, Peyote! You’re 1 year old! I will bring home the cantaloupe that you really wanted. And soon, I’ll get you a turtle companion as soon as I figure out whether you’re a boy or a girl.

Ben Wallace

Ah, Big Ben. That beautiful, beautiful, beautiful specimen of Man. Every single muscle sculpted in that lean, chiseled body that is as graceful as it is powerful. Many have wondered why I am so completely fascinated with him and I think I should explain.

No, he’s not handsome. In fact, he’s a frightening looking fellow. Though his fro is bomb, the hairdo is better looking than the man. But what is incredible about him is the fact that he looks like a marble statue come to life. It makes any aesthete’s eyes tear up from the sheer beauty of the human body in its top form. It’s the same way a person will admire a stealth jet or a Lamborghini or some other well-crafted machine. Something inside this person just becomes awestruck and goes, “fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.”

And on top of that, he’s got reflexes that are inhuman. The way his arm shoots out and rips the ball out of the air and into his body is like watching something being primally devoured. It simultaneously freaks me out and excites me.

In summary, I want to lick Ben Wallace.

One More Michael Story

We were walking along a street in Taiwan, window-shopping, helping my mom buy gifts for her coworkers. I was bored as hell so I started pretending that I had an invisible dog on a leash. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m Method with this stuff so in my mind, I really did have a golden retriever on a leash (even though I would have preferred a labrador, but you work with what you’re given). It was an inside joke between my brother and I, made funnier because it embarrassed my mom (she’s a great sport) and it confused the hell out of the people around us. My mom, who had gone into a store, waved at me and said she needed help. So I asked the owner, “Can dogs come in?” He said, “No.” So I tied the “leash” to a metal sign and left my “dog” sitting at the street corner. I said to Michael, “Make sure no one steals my dog.” I was joking. But he takes it REALLY seriously and stood at the door of the store, keeping an eye on my “dog.” Some guy stood right next to where my dog was and lit a cigarette and Michael comes running up to me and whispers, “That guy is smoking RIGHT NEXT TO your dog.” I laugh and say, “That’s okay.” So he goes back to standing by the door, staring at where my dog is and I’m at the counter helping my mom, when we suddenly hear Michael yell, quite ferociously, “WATCH OUT FOR MY SISTER’S DOG!”, scaring the fuck out of some extremely confused old lady who had unwittingly stepped into the space where my imaginary dog was sitting.

Michael Guarding My Imaginary Dog

I’m a Bad Person

One morning while we were in Taiwan, I was going to the gym and my (lazy) brother happily couldn’t go because he had hurt his foot. I asked him if he wanted to go with me just to keep me company and we could get lunch afterwards, and he said yes because he wanted to be with me. I told him he had to buy me coffee first (there’s a cafe next door and he buys me an iced coffee every morning along with an iced tea for himself). Well, he took his sweet time getting ready and I kept telling him I was leaving but he wouldn’t answer me. I thought he was a little too confident in knowing that I wouldn’t really leave without him so I pretended to leave, opening and shutting the front door so he could hear, then hid in the living room. He left the apartment a few minutes later, in no hurry, taking the elevator down. I took the stairs and followed him into the street hiding behind pillars, staying about 10 feet behind him. He went into the cafe to look for me, then came out and walked to the end of the block where he stood looking around for a long time with a stricken look on his face. It was apparent that he couldn’t remember which way the gym was. I watched him walk back inside the cafe and I hid and waited for him to come out. After a while, he came out and instead of looking for the gym or going back upstairs, he came towards me and sat at a bench really close to where I was hiding. I thought he saw me but he hadn’t so I ducked behind a wall. I could see his reflection in a store front. He had a paper bag with him and he took out an ice tea and just sat there drinking it, looking really sad. I started to feel awful so went up to the bench and stood RIGHT behind him, hovering over him until he noticed me. He didn’t jump in surprise like I thought he would. He just kind of looked at me sadly and said, “I thought you left without me.” Then he handed me an iced coffee that he had bought for me anyway, even though as far as he knew, I had already left without him. I felt like such an ASSHOLE.

Trying On Bras In Public

Michael and Mom