One man will grieve for you.
The other will dream of you.

There are times in life when no matter how much you want to, there are certain people you can’t sleep with and still consider yourself a responsible adult. Perhaps that recognition is what makes you an adult.
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Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
where they’re far more suited than here.

-Death Cab, Soul Meets Body

Computer crash. Lost work. Was fairly zen about it, and just attempted to recreate.

In the last month, have met 3 people who have said english majors have an advantage over other people. They said they always win or they’re hard to go up against because they have more tools, or as one guy said, same tools but know more ways to use them. I’ve never heard people talk about a person having an english major as having power. But I think it’s less to do with the major (people major in what interests them) but about the love of verbal dexterity.
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Last night…I couldn’t even get an answer. Help me picture him at least. The problem was, I never had a type. Always just figured I would recognize him and know what to do when I saw him. I do know what his hands should look like.
By the way, don’t lie. Everyone knows you have a type. You’re just in denial because you hate the fact you have a type.
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Everyone is a star in someone’s universe.
Everyone is a god to some level of world.