Panic attack at work today. Hyperventilating. Could not breathe. Could not catch breath. It was awful. Body would not obey mind. The more I couldn’t breathe the harder it was to stay calm. We take breathing for granted.

We’ll be brand-new by tomorrow.

It’s that solidness from within. Expands the chest. Gravity.

I’m also all too easily enabled. Be stronger about blindspots.

It’s not just men who hate it when they’re told, we have to talk.

I hate it, too. Good news or bad news, it scares me.

Do not make it real by acknowledging it. Live your life. Focus on your path.

I’m furious because he has no idea I’m furious. Is it fair? No. Is it the truth? Yes.

I love you 12:12.

Thank God for siblings. Some you’re born with. Some you pick up along the way.