I need inspiration to want things. I need motivation to go after them.

Rugged…is an interesting trait to have in a woman.

2 years ago, I put my wedding day onto my calendar in my Blackberry, but I donated that phone. All I know is it was in March 2012 (don’t remember the exact day). Now going into the end of 2011, I wonder why I did that. I wonder if there is some alternate universe where my life goes differently, where last August, 2010, I had indeed had the big encounter I had thought I would, and in that alternate parallel universe, I’m getting married in March.

I try not to think that way, but it’s hard not to.

In honor of the office dress code abolishment, I came to work dressed as … “a bear.” And did some planking.

You have to know this to understand me.

My mother had 3 children–me, Amax and my brother. I am the big sister.

I must be really pissed off. I’ve got that edge to me right now. It’s coloring perspective. My color is changing to protective cover.

I’ll take more risks.

I’m not two faced, I’m two sided. Two sides of the same person. Surprising few people are big enough to put that together. I respect those who do.

This guy came to interview. If it was a first date, I would have called a friend in the bathroom and asked her to call in 5 min with an emergency. He made me feel tightly wound inside. He said his strength is relationships. Which shocked me because I found him frankly rude.

We entered the crowded party–over 700 scientists, the world’s brightest and most eccentric.

I turned to my crew.

I’m going to mindfuck them all.

They didn’t even blink.

My sidekick grinned. Then they’ll all be mindfucked, he said.

When he shaves and grows his beard, he is closest to me. When he grows out and stays clean, he’s my buddy.

Birthing advice:

Just don’t eat it when it comes out and you’re good.

He asked to speak with me and my manager.

But you don’t have a manager.

Ha, I know.


Twitter is a perpetual echo machine.

Did I tell you that lawyer stole my magic potion? I told him coyote rules. Keep it. I would rather give it up than see you again. And he admitted using it as leverage. I hope it makes him trip balls until he cries. He’s the blueberry fat kid from Willy Wonka

I know you didn’t just pour a drink on my head…

Sometimes I’ll hit on women but I know I’m just being a jerk.

If you want to know everything about me, you have to look outside of me, but if you’re reading these words, you already know.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. A Helo 2.0. I froze and fumbled. Scared rabbit. So did he.

The full moon is driving both of us crazy.

I told him, I’m a very, very nice person. Why would you want to mess with a really nice person?

He said what he was hearing was that I’m dangerous to him and that maybe he should keep a greater distance than he has.

Whatever works. Always give that golden path for them to retreat upon, otherwise you get a shitstorm of a tantrum.

“I remember when it was just a California bear.”