One day, I want my professional profile to include the sentence:

Hobbies include basketball, saving kittens from Domo, and finding creative ways to misuse the word “literally.”

“It literally blew my mind.”

Common reaction.

To know me is to write to me. To feel me is to sleep with me. To love me is to let me go.

Avatar for white people:

Queens are warrior/healers. What makes a queen–she’s the tribal leaders’ daughter who gravitates towards boys, and if she is the one, she will quickly become the leader of the wolfpack. At a point in her development, she will be called upon to lead an army against a major group threat and she must prove her bravery in battle, sealing in the loyalty of her men. It is then she begins her transformation from warrior-princess to queen, often choosing the man who fought closest to her and fiercest for her. Her energies channel into the healer, in essence communing a collective circle’s life force.

Magnetic pull of projections. People project onto me and it causes their projection to be their experience of me.

Sonny told me, always do rock. I have a propensity towards scissors. Today I won going rock all the way. I also learned who does the same. If I learn how to read quicker, I’ll know how and when to throw him out.

I’d heard rumors that Jeremy Lin’s dad wants me to play at his gym. Saw him at the Warriors charity game. He asked me to come play. Sunday night.


Black knight to white.

Post basketball where I had a big steal and block outs in the low post, I realize who I am is the physical player who commands and disrupts. I need to feel you, hit you, to know how you work. And I need to hit it in your face.

I almost hit a baby today. Taking shots, there was a beautiful toddler in the corner so I tried to keep an eye on her while I was shooting. But her parents where there around her, so I didn’t think of it as my responsibility. Next thing I know, I hit a shot and realize she’s standing right under the basket and it was an entire nightmare reality in the breath of a moment. Time stopped, except for the ball dropping straight at her head. Spirit lashed in panic. Body froze. Paralysis.

BOOMP. The ball dropped right next to her, impossibly close. It happens so fast she barely bat an eye.

I still can’t believe the fear of that moment didn’t make me wet my pants.

Bonnie saw, too. In that split moment. So close. Two radically different realities separated by a hair of space.

It made my knees weak, how close it was.

It’s not a literal silence I need. But it ends up being a resounding one.

I like a man to have discipline.