If he told me there was any sliver of a chance truth could save us, I would be there.

The hostess tells me, I really appreciate your baller approach to life.

Who looks sexier right now? That frumpy girl you brought as your date, or the hot, mysterious woman sitting alone behind the velvet rope?

He always texts back. Thats our balance. He’ll never initiated. Just the once, when I was in guam, asking me what I missed most from home.

We both know it. The only way it’s gotten this far is because we’ve never talked about it. But he’ll never shake up his foundation, and he doesnt have to. But all those times he’s said I was mean to guys, he also knows I would be different to him but he won’t do anything about it.



1. Be tough but fair.
2. Give heart to hearts.
3. Care about their kids.
4. Do something fun and unexpected once in a while.
5. Make them laugh when you can.
6. Feed them.
7. Compliment them.
8. Lead them towards their strengths.
9. Forgive and move on.
10. In the most human moments, let yourself cry in front of them.
11. In the most human moments, let them cry in front of you.
12. Teach them belief by believing in them.
13. Get out of their way when they believe in themselves.
14. Take them as far as you can carry them.
15. When it’s time, let go.

Leadership builds armies. Armies raise leaders.

People think I’m joking when I say I run a ninja school or my business model is based on Fight Club principles.

I’m not.

I’m an architect.

I’m the kind of person who rolls up to her 15th year reunion with a pedobear costume in the trunk.