I’m not a rebel. I’m a paradigm shifter.

Didn’t have to wait long. Both the crab and rabbit came out to play. Mikal I’d met before as Greg in Venice. A cappy. I’d feared he was a serial killer. This time he was a smooth, fast-talking chiro.

Chiros. What is with me and chiros. I told him chiros act like they want to help me, but they usually just want to touch me. He said, are you kidding? It’s your posture. They can’t believe it so they want to touch you. Of course they want to touch you.


I asked him, why the women? Why are they always trying to touch me?

He said, because they’re all lesbians.

Hah! That was one mystery solved.


Who’s it gonna be?


Because today is 11 29 11



If I had known we’d end up together, I would have never worried a day in my life.


I knew I was in trouble when he said my actions were that of someone who has a man at home. I was insulted. But then I thought about Mr. Big.


boys behaving badly.

be a man.

Arguing with a fool makes two.

I don’t know why. Some things are just trophies to you.


we’re bound to wait all night
she’s bound to run amok
invested enough in it anyhow
to each his own
the garden needs sorting out
she curls her lips on the bow
and i don’t know if i’m dead or not
to anyone

I feel like living without you for a while.

Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes

One day, I want my professional profile to include the sentence:

Hobbies include basketball, saving kittens from Domo, and finding creative ways to misuse the word “literally.”

“It literally blew my mind.”

Common reaction.

To know me is to write to me. To feel me is to sleep with me. To love me is to let me go.

Avatar for white people:

Queens are warrior/healers. What makes a queen–she’s the tribal leaders’ daughter who gravitates towards boys, and if she is the one, she will quickly become the leader of the wolfpack. At a point in her development, she will be called upon to lead an army against a major group threat and she must prove her bravery in battle, sealing in the loyalty of her men. It is then she begins her transformation from warrior-princess to queen, often choosing the man who fought closest to her and fiercest for her. Her energies channel into the healer, in essence communing a collective circle’s life force.

Magnetic pull of projections. People project onto me and it causes their projection to be their experience of me.