And now, your moment of zen

Quote of the Day:

I love it when Michael recites both sides of a conversation that never happened.


Last Day of the Retrograde!!!

One more day! And we’re out. This one has been a particularly bad one. Major servers and websites went down, computers were wiped out by viruses (mine included) and it seemed like half the places I went, their credit card machines were malfunctioning. Not to mention the arguments over miscommunications and all of the Olympic screw-ups (holding the Olympics during nearly the exact length of the retrograde was as bad as holding the 2000 election on a retrograde. Look at the crazy thing that happened then. HE’S NOT EVEN THE ONE WE ELECTED!!) The retrograde usually hits Geminis and Virgos the hardest–here at Club Manic, we have 3 Geminis sharing one abode (Brian, Peyote and I) . Peyote has been spastic lately. But I had a deep heart to heart with him last night and he seems to feel better. But I can never tell. He just stares at me with those beady little eyes.

Funny…my computer just crashed as I was writing this.

I quit.

Warning for Those Who Work/Live in Santa Monica

B just told me that a coworker found out that someone took $1000 out of her checking account ($500 at two 7-11’s). She went to the bank to work it out, and there were a lot of other people there who had the exact same thing happen. An officer from SMPD was there and he said that someone was making fake ATM cards and had the pins.

Apparently, the common denominator was that everyone who got ripped off got gas at the Arco Station at Olympic and Cloverfield in Santa Monica and used an ATM to pay.

So if you’ve been to that gas station and paid with your ATM, check your bank statement.