Tonight’s Episode Brought to You by the Word, “Lesbian”

“Lesbians are like buffalo. They move in herds, and it takes more than one bullet to bring one down.”


Top 5 things that weaken my claim of being straight:

1. I played softball
2. I want Ellen DeGeneres to be my best friend
3. I have a Xena magnet on my fridge
4. I always said that if I became a stripper, I would work it to the Garbage song, “Queer.”
5. This picture…

#1 Sign that I’m NOT Gay

When asked, “Julia…do you kiss girls?” by a girl in a dark bedroom one drunken night, I laughed and said no, thinking, “What a silly question!” I reacted as if she had asked me, “Do you own a rocket ship?” Not realizing until much, much later, with the help of a very patient friend, that that question was actually a proposition.