#1 Criteria I Look For In a Soulmate:

If he truly spiritually and emotionally appreciates the rain.

Not like, “Yeah, I like walks on the beach, candlelit dinners and yada yada yada” kind of appreciation, where you appreciate a lot until you finally get laid, but one where your soul feels alive at the very feel, smell and energy of the rain.

In moments when I can sit alone in a candlelit room with the doors and windows open and listen to the rain, intoxicated by the cool, sharp air, I feel like there is nothing better in the world than being exactly who I am, in exactly this moment.

It’s Official! I’m In Rehab…

Today was my first appointment for rehab at the physical therapy place. This place caters to a lot of Olympians and professional athletes (such as Pete Sampras and Kobe Bryant), so you can bet my eyes were open for big black men. After my initial evaluation, my physical therapist told me that we would work on decreasing the pain first and then move on to rehab in the pool in a couple of weeks. All I have to say is, Pete and Kobe had BETTER not have peed in the pool…