Rainy Days!

Rock. They just do. It’s coming down hard outside (it’s like a carwash out there), like the sun coming up means everything is now clean enough for me to go outside. How can you not love the rain if you think of how clean it makes things feel?

So being stuck indoors, Brian and I are listening to some awesome music, having cocktails–for me, limeade with tonic water and vodka. for him, cranberry and ketel one–with a pizza in the oven, in the first stretch of a night in, lounging around and watching a video. [Fuck…I wish I had a straight guy in my life.] Regardless, it’s cozy and safe and right now; life feels beautiful.

I love the rain.

um…so…are the seeing eye dogs the ones who are supposed to read that and know it’s okay to enter?

Over a glass of wine, Brian and I discuss the current economic state in the Republic of Congo.

What you need to know is that Colin is 6’4″. Yes. These boots are 4 ft. tall, ecstatic to be here, Libra Dragons who like Italian food and long walks on the beach at sunset.

this was taken at the Brass Monkey on karoke night sometime last month, but I’ve been errant in posting the pic. These are my friends Roxie and Laauren rocking out to Britney Spears. You see the gap-toothed guy on the left watching them enthusiastically? What you can’t tell from this picture is there is no other table of people anywhere near him. He pulled up a chair literally up to the stage to watch them. And apparently, he had told Lauren earlier in the evening that he had killed 14 people. Awesome.

Wow. Down to his blog address, this guy is BRILLIANT!