Well, the day started off so fucked and then it ended on a surprising note. Everything ended up working out, including the fact I forgot to pack underwear for my trip. I ran to the mall to get some and then went into the vitamin store because I’m that person who likes to browse nutritional supplements the way some people like to browse porn. Met a couple of cool dudes and hung out talking about training, diet and living in different cities. One of the guys is training for that strong man competition where they’re lugging around trucks and flipping giant tires around. I was telling him how N.O. Xplode is crack, and he hooked me up with a few scoops since I didn’t want to buy a whole tub.

I went to SF with my mom and a real estate agent to look at a place out there, and I hated the sales person’s attitude. I was thinking how, if I were her, how I would treat each customer, how I would read each customer and realized, I would be really good at her job. There are a few things career-wise I know I’m have a lot of interest in and passion for — food, fitness & nutrition, real estate, psychology/human nature. I think writing and directing is my expression of my obsession with human nature and life, but it’s something that’s dependent upon life experience. I’m still early in my journey of exploring people and life, so there’s no rush on that. The work is made public when it’s ready. I’ve got my business plan for the food chain that fills a niche currently not on the market, but this is not the economy for the implementation of that. Which leaves fitness & nutrition and real estate. The fact that I was basically raised in a gym (it was my second home growing up. Before I could drive, I would just be dropped off at the gym after school and have to hang out there until 8 or 10pm when my parents got off work and could pick me up), and sometimes as a default, I just go to the gym because I feel comfortable and safe there. I would love to work in a gym and get into personal training. But that feels more like a hobby. I think in terms of work, in terms of a job that’s competitive but where I enjoy talking about what I’m selling and have the opportunity to meet many different people, working for a development company as a sales associate selling units of new developments would be great. I would be good at it and I would be working for large, professional companies in high risk/high reward situations. The level of investment from the companies would create a great deal of pressure on the sales people, which would give me the level of intensity and self-competition that I need to thrive. And if ultimately, my goal is to make a lot of money and meet a lot of people so that in 5-10 years, I can supply myself with the funds and material to finance my own film projects, I think this would be a great fit.

So I realized this and I was happy.

Then my cousin called, the cousin I’ve had a rivalry with all my life who I never liked or trusted. He wanted to hang out and I’m not that comfortable around him because I think he’s sneaky, but I figured, it’ll either suck or we’ll finally bury the hatchet. And it turned out, we buried the hatchet and it was good. It would be really nice to be friends with him, to be able to be supportive of each other. I recognize one of the reasons I hated him as a kid, was that he had a blessed childhood…he had a functional family where both parents adored him and he got whatever he wanted and yet he seemed to always be scheming. And I think I was just really jealous of that, that if I had parents who paid attention to me, I would just be happy with that. But as an adult, I really see the childishness of those thoughts and that anger, and that in other ways, I was blessed as well. It was a good evening.

I think the turning point of the day was really when things just seemed to be going wrong like a domino effect, and I had just had a fight with my dad over something stupid. I was in my car and thinking how fucked the day was and how everything was going wrong, and I thought, if I keep thinking that, it’s going to perpetuate a bad day. I have to change my attitude. So I started noticing things, like that person on the street looked happy, or that was a beautiful house, and thinking about how grown up Michael has gotten and the things I looked forward to this summer. And I think just energy and focus-wise, it really turned my day around.

I’m furious right now. So angry my chest hurts. And the thing that frustrates me most is I don’t know my next step so I can’t go sprinting off anywhere to fix things and remedy this feeling. I’m trying to cool down, doing every tactic I know, slow breathing, distracting my mind, taking a cold shower, remembering that I’m bigger than this and trying to expand outside of the feeling, but I just want to destroy something. Smash something. Hurt someone. Where is all this anger coming from? I haven’t felt this way, this destructive in years. It’s scaring me because I’m refusing to take this out on anything externally, let this anger touch anyone or anything else so I can already feel myself stalking the other half of myself that’s optimistic and happy all the time. I hear myself threatening it, scaring it, blaming it. Why does anger always want to destroy the things that are beautiful and naive? It’s so fucked up. I’m so fucked up. My mind has got to maintain control here and talk my emotional side down.