I read once in an astrology analysis that I can come off aloof or unaffectionate because I’m actually shy and sensitive, and that’s how I protect myself until I get to know people to figure out if they’re trustworthy. But it said the problem is, while I’m being that way as protection, it also has the result of keeping away other shy and sensitive people who are the very people who would be able to understand my sensitivity and form rewarding relationships based on mutual understanding with me.

That’s kind of fucked up, isn’t it? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

I also read a quote once that said, any decision you make out of fear, will be the wrong decision.

What about decisions made out of obligation?

Why is that the hardest thing for me? I guess I know why. I guess the question is, will I ever let myself be okay with refusing obligation when it’s not fair to me.

Maybe that’s why I’m so intense about my freedom and autonomy. It’s not about being afraid to be vulnerable. I think when people get closer to me and find the sensitive side, the more private side of me, they realize I basically wear my vulnerability on my sleeve, though it would be a mistake to misinterpret vulnerability as weakness. I’m like a little kid who’s willing to share everything and give my loved ones everything. And when others are vulnerable around me, truly vulnerable instead of using affected vulnerability as a way of manipulating compassion and obligation, I’m always very careful and gentle. For someone to be vulnerable around you is the highest gift, the ultimate in trust. There’s a reason why my brother trusts me more than anyone else in this world. Because I know he trusts me unconditionally, I do everything humanly possible, even if it means my complete sacrifice, to protect him, to not fail him or hurt him, and he knows that. One of my duties in life is to protect his innocence, protect his ability to love unconditionally, protect the way he sees the best and the most beautiful out of life and people, because for innocence to exist in this world of corruption and chaos, it’s like a rose garden in full bloom in the middle of a devastated, blackened war zone. You have to protect it, because if innocence in its purest, most exalted form no longer existed, then the world has been overtaken by darkness and we’ve lost hope.

People who can see me and understand me tend to get the most (and the best) from me, though I recognize, not everyone who I want to will really see me because I keep so much hidden, though it’s all hidden in plain sight. I’ll tell you everything you want to know. I rarely outright lie unless I don’t know you and it’s protective. But the more you are willing to show me that you are trustworthy, the more straightforward I’ll be. I think if we lived in an ideal world where there weren’t people out there who take advantage of others capable of high levels of compassion and selflessness, I wouldn’t be this way. The problem is that if people are unscrupulous enough, it’s easy to figure out that I’m defenseless against obligation. That if you make me feel responsible enough, it’s almost impossible for me to allow myself to consciously let someone down, even if I suspect they may just be manipulating me. But if I find enough proof that someone been manipulating me for sure, hell hath no fury…

The shadow side of the healer is the warrior.

I used to describe it as this. Imagine that you live in a house on a prairie. And since people don’t want random riftraft walking up to their front door, they usually build a fence around their property. Some people build their fences further out, so even if people come in, there’s a buffer between the fence and the house. Some people build their fences too close to their front door. Some people don’t build fences at all, but that’s how you get houseguests that eat all your food, sleep with your daughter and never leave, so you really are better off at least building a friendly, unassuming fence. My point is, after a childhood of getting bullied and taken advantage of, I finally wisened up and built a fence. But I kind of built it too close to my house, so I go around acting like it’s electrified and only telling people who look trustworthy where the gate is because I know, once they get past the fence and walk up to my front door, I don’t have the guts not to invite them in. And I’m so sick of bad people eating my food, sleeping with my daughter and refusing to leave. Cool people, no problem. Eat my food. Sleep with my daughter. Hang out and smoke weed. But the problem is really when bad people get in because sometimes my being polite makes it hard for me to ask people to leave.

I know I’m getting kind of bent out of shape about this whole thing, so I can’t stop talking about it. I think it’s because I’m frustrated but I don’t feel I’m articulating. I know I have a light and shadow side and I am quite capable of being less than noble, but I own all of it. But the one thing I never do, is force my will on people if it’s for my own benefit without their benefit as well. If I’m being an asshole or if I’m one way and people don’t like it, if people make it clear to me I’ll own it because it’s a part of me and a person has to own the entirity of themselves. And if it makes more sense and I can understand how, I’ll often change an aspect of me that is not contributing to my being the kind of person I want to be. But it scares me and frustrates me when people misunderstand me but decide that’s just what I am without really understanding or by just summing it up in a label. I hate labels. Labels destroy the essence that makes things alive.

This isn’t exactly the same thing, but it reminds me of when I started the first grade, I started later then everyone else so I was the new kid, and I was too shy to really talk to anyone and make friends. This older girl saw this cool watch I had on and wanted it, so she told the teacher I’d stolen it from her. So I got in trouble and the teacher took the watch away and gave it to her, and for the rest of the day, everyone called me a thief. I kind of knew they didn’t know me and they didn’t know better, but I had no way of changing their idea of me, no concrete proof or way of articulating reason, and I didn’t know what to do because the girl was wrong, the teacher was wrong, everyone was fucking wrong, but no one would listen to me. And the fact I couldn’t get it sorted out myself, that I needed my dad to come to school with the receipt for the watch to sort it out for me, that I couldn’t even fight my own battle because I couldn’t make people listen and understand…that just made me feel powerless. And it made me lose a lot of faith in people. I know it’s an old issue and I’m over it mentally, but I think sometimes when you have a bad experience that makes you feel powerless, emotionally, it’s all still there…the “what if” of it happening all over again. Thinking about that day still makes me feel that metallic whine of panic inside my chest even though the experience can’t touch me anymore. Maybe in a way, this issue is about power, but not in the way people think or in the normal sense of the word.

A person’s personal strength comes from their ability to feel strong, to feel expansive, to feel confident in themselves and their ability to exercise dominion over their path and their reality. Power for me means wholeness, completion, an integration of the complete self so that your highest potential of energy flows clearly and strongly throughout you. In this way, my own personal power is important to me because to feel it means that I feel confident and complete. I could care less about power over another person, over external elements as a way to exercise my ego. But if I lose my ability to articulate, if external forces have assigned an untruth to me, a label that diminishes me and my expression of myself holistically, then yes, I think it fractures me and makes me feel weak, as though I have no power over myself and my path.< br />
Ultimately, I strive to be a good person because I want people to have faith that good does exist. It doesn’t have to be in me, but in something, because I’ve known what it was like to lose faith, to have people disappoint me or be outright vicious, cruel or deceptive. To have people who have decided on the intention of destroying the security, hopes and dreams of others who perhaps naively in their eyes, still believe that life means possibilities and goodness, not negativity and dog-eat-dog darkness, maybe because somewhere along the way, some evil person took it away from them. To have people take things away from you just because they could, because in that moment, at that point in your life, you weren’t strong enough to stand up for yourself, that shouldn’t extinguish a person’s fire. I wouldn’t want anyone to have to lose their faith permanently, to lose their hope that there’s a positive force in life, that that force lives within so many things in this universe and so many people who try to do the right thing and protect the positive things in life that are worth fighting for, that in the end, truth prevails. Because I truly believe that life is worth living and there are positive forces out there that stand strong against the negative forces every day.

I think maybe all this spinning today is just bad feeling that will blow over tomorrow. I’m probably just having one of those days where I’m not feeling good, where it feels like my heart is slowly breaking.

On a different topic, I’m starting to think now.

Is the challenge to go or to not go?

To go would be the potential to bring something new into my life. A new experience, uncharted territory.

But is it really uncharted territory? Sometimes the names and places may change, but the lesson remains the same. I recognize certain things.

Is this the same pattern that has gotten me in trouble in the past and now, amidst my saturn return, I have the opportunity to show the universe that I learned my lesson that almost destroyed me years ago and can move on to a higher level without repeating this lesson? I will have really let myself down if I get into that situation again.

I heard myself say it today a few times and I think I was telling myself more than other people. I have a bad habit of getting into situations that are not great for me because I don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings. I have a tendency to be willing to make the first compromise, and while I know it has to do with my upbringing and having a sibling with a disability who had more needs than I did (and while I know all that therapy talk of blah blah blah don’t discredit my own needs, etc. and I’m just as worthy which believe me, I know), I just don’t like to let people down or disappoint them even if it means giving up something or not feeling comfortable. I’ve spent a lifetime compromising and I recognize, if you’re practiced at it, sometimes it’s easier for you and i don’t mind doing it as long as I’m not the only one doing it all the time. But there are certain things you can’t compromise. Watching Sportscenter when you really want to watch Ugly Betty is an okay compromise because sometimes he’s gonna have to watch the romantic comedy you wanna see when really he wants to watch the Bruckheimer film. But when you’re walking into a situation that you don’t feel comfortable with because you’re afraid to say, this situation doesn’t feel right to me…then the problem is not the other person or the situation. The problem is YOU.

All signs point to me riding the brakes. I’m exhibiting more and more negative symptoms of being unhappy and anxious which means something’s wrong. And what I’ve been learning is that it’s safe to trust my intuition. And he’s not helping me by pulling this insecure crap that makes me feel like I’m being emotionally manipulated. So then…

It’s your call, Julia. I think this is like last May, when you had to decide what you were willing to do to support yourself. Is it a way of not being influenced by the past? Or is it a way of not repeating the past?

The thing I want to talk about most, I can’t.

I’m sure some people are quite aware but it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t. Some things, you just can’t put on the table out of respect and that’s always something I try to be…respectful. And plus, there’s no point in things being awkward or people getting hurt. I guess I really mean me. My getting hurt because there is no other potential outcome. I really don’t like getting hurt because secretly, everything I present to people is a real part of me, whether I make it seem as such or not, and more gets to me than my pride lets me let on. And plus, I don’t want to be an asshole.

So I keep it to myself. And I try not to think about it. And I try to not let it get to me or influence my moods.

But if people only understood how hard having Venus in the 12th house was, they would understand a little more about me and about who I am instead of how I seem to be. I’ve always said astrology is a means of understanding elements, so I don’t know if it’s possible to break things or change things…I just notice when things seem to support those presented elements, though I’ll always be optimistic, because how else would life be worth going forward with if there was not hope? But it often seems that it’s hard for there to be a balance for me, to be able to have what I want, what I truly value, what feels good without there being some kind of catch. Or it seems I’ll be able to have something, but it can never be acknowledged for what it is, it can never be seen without conflicting some other structure, and it’s always on someone else’s terms. That’s why I think it’s so funny for people to think I need control…so often things are on another person’s terms but I’m willing to make the compromise because to find someone that means a lot to me and feels safe for me is rare. I just go with it and appreciate things for what they are. It’s kind of like always being hungry though, but I guess there are benefits of that. You’re more appreciative of what you get.

Is that true? Or what I tell myself because I always seem to have the consolation prize? It doesn’t matter though. Life is what it is. And you deal with it or you don’t.

The one thing that I feel people misunderstand though, until they really get to know me is that I’m not a difficult person and I don’t have a driving need for control , though I’m very protective of my autonomy until I’ve gotten to know a person well. I do understand I am hard to get close to until I trust a person, which I’m capable of. I think it’s more of a method to filter out people who should and shouldn’t be too close to me rather than a way of fucking with people or keeping ALL people out. For those who are trustworthy and that I establish good rapport with, it’s very easy for them to naturally disable or slip through these defenses and get close to me, and I’m real with them because if they find me, they’re the right people to have in my life and we add to each other’s lives rather than detract. For everyone else, I’m still real and nice to those who are good people, but they just won’t get to know me as intimately as others, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing either. It’s still an honest human relationship. I also think, at the end of the day, there are reasons why people don’t get close to each other even if they could. I think sometimes people connect on one level, but they still have to maintain social boundaries on another, so it is what it is…life. As we taught my brother so he could recognize people and how to interact appropriately, there are circles–you have inner circles, people you trust, your friends and family. You have an outer circle, your acquaintances, your coworkers, etc. People you are friendly but people you don’t hug and say I love you to (we actually had to do this to get my brother to understand this specifically!). And then there’s everyone else. And sometimes people move between circles, but basically, I think that’s how all humans are. You can’t have the entire world in your inner circle or standing outside of all the circles.

Whatever. Life is life. You deal with it or you don’t. You find people who you pass the time with, interact with, learn things from, and if you’re lucky, you meet random special people who you forge deep connections with based on true understanding and unconditional positive regard. These are people you can talk about anything with, and they will listen and take you seriously because they value you and all of you. Sometimes these connections last a life time and if so, you’re very, very lucky. Sometimes they’re fleeting, ephemeral. And if so, you’re still lucky because at least you had it. And that’s something you can’t take for granted.

I just have to remember, life isn’t always fair, but in the end, it’s fair.