just watched the golden globes. this week i have to see:

the reader
revolutionary road (gotta read the book first)
slumdog millionaire
the wrestler

mickey rourke wins best actor? he’s still alive? how freakin’ long have i been out of the country?

i write to fill the silence.


The banks are really in trouble. There’s more advertising than ever urging us to invest, be it savings accounts, portfolios or life insurance. Across the street, I see a massive sign about there being no such thing as saver’s remorse. I haven’t seen it in daylight yet, but I can only assume it’s an ING ad.

I stumbled upon Nick Bostrom. It was his Letter from Utopia I found, but am very interested in his other writing. I would really like to meet him. I realize how few people I really have interest in meeting. I only care about finding the one, and anyone who can give me clues as to who he is.

Why the one? Because he’ll provide me the ultimate mirror. He’ll provide me proof of oneness, the universe. Through him, I’ll see it. Until I see it, I’ll keep searching.

I love David. I love his being and soul greater than any other man. I think he’s inherently a good person, in search of being a happy and whole person. The problem with life is the restraints that life can put on a person’s soul as it’s trying to come into this world. If they’re worn for a long time, they can become integrated into who that person believes he is, whether or not it helps or hinders their pursuit of personal goals. Sometimes you interact with that persona and it feels empty or frustrating because you find yourself falling into its emotional traps as you try to get to know the person, but that’s because you’re getting to know a mask…it’s the emotions controlling the person, the clothes wearing the man. And a bad set of clothes a person doesn’t feel comfortable in can be prison. It can make him do and say things that come more out of pain or fear of pain than out of who he really is. Behind the things created by this world is a real person. Behind all the crap that life lays on us, the traumatic experiences, the pain of loss, the anxiety, the loneliness, the fear, is a person. That’s the real beauty. Our true unadulterated selves as imperfect humans is the absolute truth in beauty. But how visibly that beauty radiates in the light of day really depends on if the person has the strength, clarity, self-respect and self-compassion to take off the things they don’t like, and put on things that make them more comfortable to be their true selves. I have no doubt David will find himself. I actually think he’s well on his way. He has every reason to believe in himself and his capabilities. A lot of times people will want someone’s committed support before stepping forward to take charge and create their own success, but even if the other person’s wants to give as much support as they can, they’ll never really be able to give them enough to feel confident, to fill that fearful void that urges people not to take the leap. Sometimes, one of their life lessons is to learn that it’s ultimately up to them to take responsibility for achieving their own goals with or without the support of others. To see that they can be competent and successful on their own, that when they believe in themselves and reach a goal, they inherently earn respect and trust from the people who matter to them. Reaching places of higher self-esteem also allows people to fully appreciate the support of those around them because they are seeing it from a place of higher self-esteem, not a place of need. From there, healthy relationships fall into place, because a person now believes in himself or herself, and there’s no fear of taking things too personally or being too rooted in the protection of one’s own ego because there’s nothing to be afraid of. Because that person’s projected energy is whole and comfortable with itself, it opens a portal which allows this person to achieve a comfortable level of intimacy and deeply connect with another person who’s an entire universe unto herself. That is the best feeling in the world.

I’ve been working hard on everything’s that’s come out. I have an appt with a counselor who specializes in anger issues tomorrow, and an appt with a guy whose smile in his picture reminded me of Ethan. Lately I’ve been remembering Ethan a lot, how he was someone I could show myself to and ask for help knowing he would never take anything from me while I was vulnerable. It was unfortunate that my hiding something kept us from being closer, as probably my opening up to someone trustworthy and kind would have probably created an immense amount of healing for me at a time when I was really seeking it. In hindsight, I can see that I was too young at the time, too scared of other people and myself, but I honestly believe I’m in the position to try again. Strangely, this guy works on the same floor of the same building I used to work in. There are two therapists in that office who used to harass me a bit which turned me off of male counselors, but he didn’t start there until after I worked there, so he doesn’t know who I am. Either way, I’m going to unravel this until I come to a level of peace with it to be able to get back on my path.

I’m really going crazy not having a job. Am not desperate for money or security, just want to be kept busy while I come up with ideas of where I need to be next. I talked to Whitney about her temp agency because since I don’t even know if I want to stay in LA or move to SF, I really don’t want to be committed to work. I would rather see where I get sent, and who makes me the best offer.

I’ve been reading a lot. I have many thoughts about many things. I started a new notebook. I think a lot about secrets. I watched a comedy show and realized how I was uncomfortable because all the jokes were mean. I realized how much closer my heart has gotten to my sleeve.

Overall I’m really happy, happier than I’ve ever been. I’ve come to realize how rich my life is, how much love and support i have in my life, and I can now consciously and honestly appreciate it. It’s like having asthma all of my life and suddenly being able to breathe without restrictions. I am sad about certain things but I feel like what happens is what was meant to happen and if I just watch it unfold and don’t succumb to fear or the influence of others, I’ll be very happy with what I find.

one side can’t see the other.

what is it about people who don’t ask questions. what are they keeping out?

in dreams we find ourselves

do whatever it takes to make the most out of something you love. if it means keeping a distance to maintain the idealization, then do it if it makes you happy.

you recognize each other’s soul, but in the light of day, your clothes clash.

i asked him to lift up his mask to show me if he was really him, but he just wouldn’t or couldn’t do it. so i have to keep looking.

i like music that makes me sad because i only paint with my own blood.

fast healer but needs privacy.
diplomatic beyond reason
comes as she wants
goes as she wants

fixed or malleable
contradiction in polarity
how many lives can a person live simultaneously?

why is ashley messaging. i don’t think we’ve ever had a conversation.

i want you to be careful of identifying too much with your emotions because it causes you to identify too much with the undercurrents of interaction. you need to maintain objective perspective so you can understand other people and hear where to go. chase the language.

just ridiculous amounts of sex.

it was pointed out that sometimes i sound like a therapist or the voice of god when i talk to the people i love. the truth is, that’s how i talk to myself when i’m being strong.

everyone is both a question and an answer.

you are looking for the person whose question you answer and who is the answer to your question.

stay focused.

if someone doesn’t speak your language, shouting louder isn’t really going to help.

i remember the most beautiful sunset i had ever seen while floating on a surfboard the last night in Maui. in hindsight, i wonder why i watched it alone. it’s sad when we miss potential moments.

worked out at equinox with brian. it’s actually a really clean gym but i don’t like the layout. am interested in the demographic though. i also like the company of brian, that we can have something to do together. we’re back on the same page.

i wonder if i only hang out with people i perceive as a twin. it’s just the way i was born, where my eyes were looking when i first opened them. as long as i can feel we speak the same language and see the same things, i accept you as my own. it’s just the way i am because i’m so focused on what i want to see. maybe what it is…i can either seek through you, or around you. my eyes never seem to focus or seem to focus too sharply. i’m on a quest. you’re either the answer or not.

i need to meet more people. it was great watching tv with brian and being able to see things from a different perspective. everything was fresh and new and i could really see energies at work. i was especially able to appreciate energies i admired and enjoyed. i want to have fun with people. get to the root of their honest selves. give lots of hugs. get lots of hugs.

this is the first peaceful retrograde. i feel like the world from my perspective is being defragmented, and i can relax while the full picture reassembles. the energy is out there. now i’m just waiting for the results.