what’s been happening in our backyard:

i noticed the smoke in the taxi home from the airport. it looked like a volcano erupting. the fire is insane, spreading without wind. i’ve been feeling very sluggish. the air dries out my head. performance at gym has been uninspired. i don’t think i function optimally around heat. i’ve always been someone, who no matter how cold it is outside, likes the window open and one foot outside of my blanket.

shit. i’m feeling pretty difficult things coming in. i need help. i can feel questions i can’t answer coming in. i see a dark hallway with shadows, and all the shadows are women. we are learning what it means to lose. you try to give strength but can they take it? how do you maintain balance between your insides and theirs? how do you maintain balance between inner and outer worlds when you live in a world of backwards and forwards? why is time so dimensional? it’s so hard for me to understand a 2 dimensional understanding of time and place. that’s why when i get confused, i do shit like score in the other team’s basket, even though otherwise, i seem fairly intelligent. time and space are outward projections to me, infinite expansion, everything in existence existing in exactly one tiny, specific place. if you can understand that concept, you can create things. or at least that’s what seems to happen when i become focused on this perspective. but then an ounce of negative emotion hits (all you really need is just a small drop of poison to kill a human), my focus gets pulled into that tiny flash of pain and all i can see are really small things. and because my world is now so small, everything seems big and threatening. clearly, i don’t want this. this state doesn’t have to be permanent, but it’s hard to crawl out of.

i’ve been reading the happiness hypothesis. i thought i was going to like it. but then the guy becomes kind of a talking head. starts talking like a virgin talking about sex. and it made me feel that because i follow my intuition, and quantitative scientific results are often counter-intuitive, then because i’m one of those who still hold beliefs despite the research data means i’m a moron. but then i feel like, sometimes the exceptions to the rule make the new rules, which create the new exceptions. like 80/20. so to think that any point is static, any view of “what is” a destination, is still not the summit. and to straddle the line between opinions has no direction. maybe by the end of the book he ties it together. i’ll still finish it, but i’ve lost interest.

i’ve been threatening to disappear for a while now. because i need to have my own life, be able to go deep into my world without people manipulating me while i’m vulnerable. and for the most part, people are learning to understand and respect my boundaries. i always believed, the people who truly love me will know i always come back. but they have to let me go. i’ve chosen seattle because i can be amongst friendly people, but be alone.

one night in seattle, i saw the number 24 (for griffey jr) on a guy’s back and decided to see what would happen if i followed wherever that number wanted to lead me. he led me down alley after alley filled with restaurants and bars, and stopped at kell’s, also my favorite bar in san francisco. it was like having a piece of san francisco here, too. so i went in, found a table in the corner and watched this live band featuring a jovial (drunk) irish guy.

there was a period of time, when the band was on a break, and there was just crowd noise. i was close enough to the tables near me to hear their conversations, but i opened my ears, losing the individual words and listening to the noise as an entire river. i sat like that for a while, lost in the rushing of sound created by the vibration of nameless words.

on the way to the bathroom, noticed a 2nd room. went there and it was a dj playing hip hop. it was less crowded so i sat here.

first, the strangest thing happens to me sometimes. people froderize me. i can be in a room that’s pretty open, with no one behind me, and people will squeeze by me, rubbing themselves against me like they’re squeezing through, even though they have plenty of room to move. the time i started becoming really conscious of it was at a bar for a birthday party, this girl did it twice, on her way to one side of the room, then coming back. when i turned around, there was no one behind me. there was about 15 feet of space for her to cross. then i looked at her, like she was playing some joke on me, but she never looked over or acknowledged anything. since then, i notice it happens quite often, men and women. sometimes they’ll just touch my skin or pinch me. sometimes it’s a little more egregious. but i’m still trying to understand what it’s about.

so i was sitting on this stool against a bar, with about 6 feet of room between me and the tables in the back. the first girl crashed into me and i figured she was just drunk, but then she leaned against me and stroked the bare skin of my arm. i’m sitting there staring at her hand on my arm because i really don’t understand what’s going on. the guy next to her started giggling, and they ran out of the room. they seemed young, like a girl and her gay best friend, so maybe it was a joke.

then there was this girl, heavy make-up, cat-like eyes, looked like trouble for guys with any bit of sweet innocence left for her to shred.. i’d noticed her but never made eye contact with her. i just stayed in my world, listened to the music. the next thing i know, she’s squeezing by behind me, digging her breasts into my back. big hard fake ones. like pool balls. it was, unpleasant. boys…really? i don’t know how you deal with fake breasts. they’re weird feeling.

the move felt really aggressive, actually. it raised all the hair on my arms. but i didn’t turn to look, i didn’t move. just didn’t acknowledge it.

the last incident was this guy with an army fade who had been hovering. i’d glanced over and saw him making a tentative approach and i felt pins and needles in my right arm and leg. something about him made me feel hyper-vigilant. i didn’t acknowledge him at all. at some point, he’d gotten behind me and kept leaning into me, like he was being pushed into me. it was such a strange way of trying to get someone’s attention. he did it three or four times, each time a little more pronounced, so i casually just leaned forward to give him more “room” and he quickly moved away to the other side of the room.

this was a lot of weird unauthorized touching, but yet, no conversation. the only one who talked to me was this guy who will always look like someone’s goofy little brother. he had a half empty beer in each hand (or half full, doesn’t matter how you see it), and he wanted me to drink one of them. “which one do you want?” he asked. “whose beer is that? it’s half empty. i’m not drinking leftover beer.” i just don’t know him well enough. so he wants to play rock, paper, scissors with the loser drinking. i say, “fine.” we agreed upon “on 3” but i shoot and he doesn’t. he said “on 3” means “one two three shoot” and i said it’s “one two three,” shooting on 3. because what he was saying was technically “on 4.” so we played with the 4 count and i flashed scissors every time but one, winning 3-1. “dude, i flashed the same thing every time but one. how did you not catch that?” “don’t try to get into my head,” he said. (what?) he wanted to play again right away and i asked him, “what happened to the loser drinking?” he said we had to play for me to drink the other beer. i said he should drink the one that’s his before we start another game and he called me the sneakiest rock, paper, scissors player he’d ever met.

right. i told him, “whatever. i’m done playing with you.”

saw faust
o from the jazz club. he was with a slim, older brutha. if it were stanley jordan, i would go over and say hi. if it’s anyone else, i will not. i couldn’t tell. didn’t want fausto to see me.

slipped out, went home.

i like to be alone amongst people, or be with people alone. these are the moments within which i get the most.

Last night in LA. So surreal.

Had my last session with my basketball coach. He told me that he had me to thank…getting to know me and watching me decide to leave everything behind and follow my dreams made him realize that he wants to do what he can to get back with his ex-fiance. He’d called me the night before I left for Seattle, wanting to know my opinion about the girl he was dating. She was mad at him for not checking in more during the day, and even though she said she’s not needy, she said that her ex-boyfriends would always call her throughout the day to tell her they loved her, and she felt like he didn’t connect enough. I remember thinking, this girl is high-maintenance and not his girl. I remember also thinking, from the way he was talking, he knew the answer. But often we don’t like to accept the answers we already know. I remember saying at the end of the call, that if he was happy with the situation, then that’s what matters. But if he wasn’t, then he had to think about the cost-benefits. Is what he’s getting out worth the negative aspects of the relationship? Because all relationships have pros and cons. It’s a matter of where the balance is in the bigger picture.

So he came up and gave me a big hug today and told me that after talking to me, he realized that even when he was with the girl he was dating, he realized he was thinking about his ex-fiance (they’d broken up 6 years ago). And that he’d been thinking about her a lot lately. At the time they were engaged, he was pursuing a professional basketball career and she went to med school in Michigan, so he decided not to move out there. That was the beginning of the end. But now, he’s realized that he’s willing to pursue other dreams if it means he can have her in his life again. So watching me work on faith and decide to pick up my life and move to Seattle,he’s gathering himself to pick up his life and move to Phoenix where his ex is if she’s willing to give it another try.

I’m really happy. Who knows if it will work out. But at least he’s pursuing something he feels strongly to be truthful. I remember, early on, whenever he mentioned her, I would feel strongly that he was still in love with her. I called him out on it the session before I left last week, telling him pointblank that he was still in love with his ex-fiance and he told me to shut up. Maybe that’s why he called me that night to talk to me about the girl he’s dating (we’d never talked on the phone); maybe it wasn’t really problem-solving his current situation. It was him coming to a conscious realization he was still in love with his ex.

Regardless, I told him he has to invite me to his wedding, whether it’s with his ex-fiance, or another woman, I want to be there and give a speech. He said he would definitely have me there and would love for me to speak. In a way, I’m the patron saint for his new awakening.

I told him, you know…I’m an ordained minister. I’m authorized to perform weddings. He didn’t believe me. What church?, he asked me. The Universal Life Church of Modesto, I said. All you have to do is go to their website, fill out a form and print out a certificate. Anyone can get ordained! I did it as a joke like 10 years ago because I was shooting a spec commercial and my director of photography told me about it. His name was BJ, and we would call him Reverend BJ. It sounded like a porn name.

I challenged him to one-on-one at the end of the session. He didn’t want to, but I told him that I wanted to put everything he taught me into action. So we played and I started by scoring 4 in a row on him. Where did these moves come from?, he asked. My own specialty, I said. This is where my creativity comes to play…I’m a great improvisor. The way I play may not be fundamentally pretty, but I get the job done.

Other great things happened as well today. I had to buy a futon yesterday. I’ve always had a bed, but my place in Seattle’s a studio, so I decided to just get a futon and make it look like a living work space, because I don’t want to get too settled into thinking it’s a home. I’m there to work. But the guy who sold me the futon, kind of a frazzled, overweight guy with giant blue eyes, was very helpful. I’ve never owned a futon so he had to explain everything to me. As I was leaving, I shook his hand and really sincerely thanked him for being so helpful and told him he was a great salesperson. I really meant it. When I called him today to give him my shipping address, his voice lit up when I identified myself. I gave him the address and he told me he was really happy to have met me and that I’m an amazing person. That was a really, incredibly sweet thing to say. Just from buying a futon. I’m really believing in the paying it forward concept. It’s like the more truly happy and nicer I am, the more other people are affected by it, and when they are positive and kind towards me, it refuels me to be happy and nice towards more people. It’s a giant circle. And maybe they’re going out and spreading happiness and kindness as well!

My car was ready by late afternoon and I went to pick it up. The guys I’ve worked with were really happy to see me as well, all coming out to say goodbye. It’s like everyone who knows about me going to Seattle, this whole thing is inspiring them. Paul came out and gave me a big hug like we’d been friends for years. Keep in touch, he said. Let us know about all your adventures. Please come back and visit whenever you can, he said. I whisper, You may not be here! I tell him, good luck on your life journey as well.

I’m feeling that the fact I’m starting off on this journey with such a conviction of faith despite the purpose and end goal being unknown, this journey now matters to anyone who is close to me or meets me. I feel that the fact I’m embarking on it so suddenly but confidently gives people hope and inspiration, and that it means a lot to other people as well that I succeed.

It’s hope. That a person can set out into the unknown to make life what he or she wants to make of it. Because if one person can do it, it means anyone can do it.

I want to inspire people. I want people to look for the truth and beauty inside themselves, and realize that you can make the most of what you’re given, or you can make the most of what you can give. Maybe both mindsets lead you to the same place, but at least you trusted yourself and gave yourself a chance to find a place and outlook where you are an active star, not a passive bystander. The thing I always tell people, is that we’re more in control of our lives than we think. What matters, is what we believe. Knowing that the symbolism of my journey is important to those who know me, and those who have yet to meet me, gives me more motivation. More determination.

The only failure, is if I stop believing.

This is not an option.

i haven’t been wanting to say it, but i’m concerned about my maternal line. particularly my grandmother, in sept. can not pinpoint, but anything that happens with her affects my mother, so all i can feel is a concern for that maternal area of my world.

i saw the sept forecast. tough for everyone. hope everyone collected plenty of inspiration and good feelings in august to get them through the trials of september. keep your heads up…october should bring relief and possibly some surprises. please remember, mercury is retrograde for most of the month (9/7 – 9/29) so if you are a virgo or gemini in particular, don’t buy any appliances, electronics, etc. from 9/1 until 10/3, and do not sign any contracts if you can help it. be aware of mechanical/electronic malfunctions (back up your hard drive), miscommunications and delays. this is a good time to reflect about the last few months, however, where you are now, what has happened, where you plan to go. good luck.

I think I prefer Girls with Guns over Chicks with Dicks.

dear seattle,
i come seeking poetry.
but i have every intention of pimping so hard
your men won’t know what hit ’em.
smiles all around.
it’s gonna be an interesting fall.