My review of Collateral:

Tom Cruise puts in a solid bid for the Best Running Oscar, while Jamie Foxx is in the fight of his life against getting cockblocked. This movie was low on suspense and high on lack of sense. For example, Tom Cruise chases Jamie Foxx through the streets of LA. Now what made that white boy think he could catch a black guy? Furthermore, what made Tom Cruise’s assassin think he could find his mark, an Asian guy, in a crowded Asian dance club? Hell, I don’t think even I could find a specific Asian guy in a crowded Asian dance club. Unless maybe…if he were wearing a blindingly white shirt and had a glaring spotlight on him. Oh wait, he WAS wearing a blindingly white shirt with a glaring spotlight on him? My bad.


Today I had a shitty day. Shitty in that, the weirdest things kept happening. Weird unpleasant things. But that’s okay. You know how they say that when you lose money (like lose your wallet, or money falls out of your pocket), you’re actually kind of paying off that great wheel of fortune to prevent something really bad from happening? Well, I think sometimes when you have shitty days and weird things happen to you, and by weird, I mean like, things that bystanders point and snicker about, you’re putting a down payment on being protected from something really bad, like being maimed in an accident.

I also want to confess about something that I found kind of creepy from last weekend. I was at a club downtown and this guy started banging a girl in a dark corner nearby. He and I made eye contact and he recognized me as the girl he had tried to talk to earlier in the night. So he points at me and growls, “You…” Grinning with his eyes fixed on me, he hits her harder and more deliberately as if to say, “This could have been you.” I left soon thereafter. It made me feel really dirty.

Today’s mood: Afraid of full moons and black cats