8/23 Recap

Some quick notes before I’m out for the night to watch Love Actually…

-Check out Jamie Taylor’s blog http://jwt92.blogspot.com/ . He’s an eloquent old soul who writes great poetry and has a lot of wisdom and insight for someone so young.

-Speaking of new sites, Amber has created a web shrine to…Terri’s boobs. http://terrisboobs.blogspot.com . The fact that I don’t find the fact that she made this site to be disturbing, is in fact, disturbing to me.

-I’m reading My Dark Places, an autobiography by James Ellroy (LA Confidential), detailing his mother’s brutal murder, his turbulent life after and his efforts years later as an adult to investigate her killing. It’s a really quick read–it’ll probably have taken me no more than 7-8 total reading hours to finish by the time I’m done–but really intriguing and haunting. He’s really candid about his own personal hell; this book is ridiculously disturbing but so incredibly psychologically interesting. You have to give him props for his willingness to share. I met him a few years ago when he and Curtis Hanson were promoting LA Confidential. I was there to interview Curtis, who introduced me to him. I remember him being really tall with an intimidating presence. He was a nice looking man from a distance, but when he cast his gaze on you up close, there was something unsettling about his eyes…they were so penetrating and haunting that to this day, I don’t remember anything else about that night or interview but I still remember his eyes.

-I’m also reading The Dive from Clausen’s Pier by Ann Packer, about a girl’s life after her high school sweetheart fiance is paralyzed in a diving accident. It’s a really rich novel about love, obligation, sacrifices and the choices a person needs to make for the sake of his or her own life journey. I highly recommend it.

-Dubya needs to SHUT. THE FUCK. UP.

Today’s mood: gottatrunkfullaampsmuthafucker

An Artist’s Guide to Having a Muse

1. You don’t get to choose your muse. With real muses, the gods of creativity will hit you in the face with this person. All you know is that you are suddenly electrified, with feelings and a fascination that you don’t quite know how to place; and the only way to release the sparks zapping around in your head is to create something utterly brilliant in the name of your exalted inspiration.

2. Never get too close to your muse. Your muse is a magical projection, cloaking a mortal human being. Do not befriend your muse, date your muse, reveal feelings for your muse TO your muse, and most of all, sleep with your muse. It will be like the clock striking midnight, leaving you with a pumpkin in place of the carriage and a half finished piece of brilliance never to be worked on again.