I’ve been cooped up working on the supernatural suspense script. It’s a story about a woman who can’t allow anyone to get close to her, who has to face a ghost connecting her to her past life in order to go on with her current one. Before I begin every script, I feel out a playlist comprised of songs that immerse me and help me visualize the beginning/middle/end of the character’s journeys and the emotional themes of the script. I also make a soundtrack of the music I would pair with certain scenes if I were directing, in order of the story. It really helps me stay in the world of the script and unfold it with more depth. The mix for this script has a lot of music that’s really creepy and haunting when I’m listening to it in the darkness, with the only light in the room coming from my computer screen, so it helps me write a scary ghost story. The soundtrack is made up of songs that are haunting in a human, existential way, and it helps me hang on to the character as she weaves through the script, uncovering what is her past in a previous chapter of her human history, and thus, allowing herself to become whole.

This script’s soundtrack:

1. Harmony -Clinic
2. Your Ghost -Kristin Hersh
3. Into the Night -Angelo Badalamenti
4. At Least We Tried -Moby
5. Shine -Operatica
6. Unmarked Helicopters -Soul Coughing
7. Little Drop of Poison -Tom Waits
8. Eyepennies -Sparklehorse
9. Inertia Creeps -Massive Attack
10. About Her -Malcolm Mclaren
11. My Life -Dido
12. Weather Storm -Craig Armstrong
13. Sweet Song -Blur
14. New Favorite Thing -Alison Krauss
15. A Rush of Blood to the Head -Coldplay
16. Haunted -Poe
17. Exit Music (For a Film) -Radiohead

If you guys have access to a jukebox site (like Real Rhapsody), put together this playlist. I really like it!