le petit mort – what the french use to describe orgasm.

scorpio is the symbol that rules not just death which is the common misconception, but the spiritual idea of death and regeneration, death as the gateway to new life, like the phoenix. scorpio, incidentally, is also the sign most associated with sex.

“the little death.” not so much little, but a death that doesn’t wipe out conscious attachment to reality in totality. it’s a death and regeneration in a split second where you leave the world and re-enter seemingly seamlessly, but having gone somewhere so far away and found your way back. it’s a conscious way of simulating reincarnation.

if two people completely submit themselves and experience an absolute and total orgasm simultaneously, there is a moment of transcendence where two individual perspectives suddenly meld into one experience occupying the exact same space in the exact same moment with no separation. it’s a momentary achievement in which souls are released from their human bodies and return to the singular entity to which our higher selves belong and from which our ego perceptions have separated us. it’s a moment where the separate you’s die, are released from your separate bodies to blend together in order to experience the oneness of God, and return having understood something beyond the linear representation of this world. once you’ve experienced it, you really can’t go back to a reality before you experienced it. it’s now a part of you.

i think maybe that’s the issue with scorpios. in a way, they’re born inherently possessing this knowledge of the transcendental powers of sexual union, and an innate instinct for how to get there. however, their suspicion, lack of faith and lack of trust in others cause them to spend their lives watching people and testing people to decide if they’re willing to let go with someone in order to share their birthright. while there are scorpios who come to terms with their powers of transcendence and learn how to use their immense power for good, i think some stunted scorpios can spend their entire lives watching and weighing, but in the end when they make their final tally, they decide they couldn’t really trust anyone. in a way, i can understand it but it doesn’t make it any less of a shame.

but the truth is, and i’m going to lay it down honestly with you, you don’t need a scorpio to lead you there. you just need someone with scorpio knowledge and to mutually have a willingness to trust each other and the experience of delving into the unknown completely.