round 2 results of the writing contest came in last night. 1st place finish. which was surprising because i didn’t like that second story as much (i felt it was too similar to the first. a waiter working the graveyard shift at a diner waits on Death). i should have gotten 1st place for the first script, so i guess this balances out. round 3 assignment will be announced tonight. i’m going up against the top scorers of the first two rounds. will have 48 hours to write this script…on top of having to drive down and back from la to pack up my stuff and talk with brian about moving out.

challenging weekend. i look at it as a test.

dear reader. where would you like me to come from?

personally, i would like to come through the early morning window, slip under your covers to touch you in the realm between waking and sleep, all moonlight and skin and something much darker and richer.

i need a motivation.

you are hiding again.

is it more important that people dont know where you are?

or should they know, but despite that, respect it?

it’s like this. think about a wolf pack. you’re either an alpha female or beta, the equivalent of a 2nd wife. some women are aware of their position and accept it. others are aware and do not, so they challenge the alphas. two alphas can not exist in the same pack, though two alphas can forge a balance and kinship, joining two packs. once a young woman emerges as an alpha, she either has to challenge the pack’s alpha, submit as a beta, or leave the pack. in a way, this initiation makes the alpha, and depending on how she leaves (if this was a moralizing experience giving her optimism, or a demoralizing experience giving her cynism), she’ll either stay aloof, or start her own pack. but her only match is another strong, male alpha.

the lone operator
the ultimate team player
but totally self-sufficient

this description is your mark. you both bear this mark. it’s these matching marks that bring you together.

a little bit of bitch inside the nice
a little bit of nice inside the bitch

that’s the perfect balance.

i’m a rear-wheel drive. no need to flaunt the power. smoother ride. but i’m starting to think it’s time to frontload. walk into the room balls first.

discourage cowards before they start.

it’s the only way to keep it real.